U.S.A. Paused the Support | Will U.K. Send Troops in Ukraine? | Ukrainian Update

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video edit: Oliver Raias, [email protected]

0:00 Intro
0:31 Second Estonian Died In The War
0:59 Uk Troops To Ukraine?
3:56 Us Support For Ukraine Declining?
9:01 Elon Musk Showing Pro-russian Signs
10:00 Andriivka Is Gone
10:30 Russians Shot Down Their Own Su-35
11:59 Dragons Teeth
13:17 Better Drone Capapility For Ukraine
14:27 11 Russian Soldiers Surrendering To Ukraine
16:40 Russian Soldiers Mood Before Going To War
20:58 Patreons And Instagram

Public sources:
Military map:

Thumbnail done by Yaroslav:

Until my next video
Stay cool my friends!
Bye bye!

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21 thoughts on “U.S.A. Paused the Support | Will U.K. Send Troops in Ukraine? | Ukrainian Update”

  1. Elon Musk is complaining because for years he was begging the government for ´´corporate welfare´´ that he is on. Now government gives money to Ukraine so he is not getting any free money for himself. Scammer extraordinaire

  2. Su-35 first prototype was flown in June 1988, serial production started in 1993 so it's only marginally more "modern" than an S-300 at this point. I don't know why you're making claims that it should be invisible to radar and AA systems in 11:16. That is one hell of a claim and would be one hell of a modernization to pull off. Probably that's why it's not real. This is not a stealth aircraft, never was. Don't get me wrong, when russians kill each other, I'm as happy as the next guy, but we need facts to understand the reality, not this make-you-feel-good propaganda. It's the planes threat-detection and friend-or-foe identification that are worth being looked into.

  3. As a conservative here in the US, I honestly cannot understand that some republicans would not favor assistance to Ukraine. I mean, I am aware of the reasons they have voiced, but they make no sense to me from either a moral or strategic perspective.

  4. Incredibly Misleading when Artur gives % of GDP for how European countries are giving more towards Ukraine. It’s misleading when you DO NOT include NATO costs. Right now The U.S. is conducting joint operations in 57 countries to help prevent further Russian aggressions. The cost is enormous, and in majority of cases is Not even being spent by those countries where those operations are taking place. The VAST majority of aid going to Ukraine from The World Bank & IMF comes from America, but is NOT included in the budget package passed by Congress. Go back yourselves and investigate the delays with Baltic & other European Countries not sending tanks. You’ll see they did Not send that military equipment to Ukraine until The U.S. agreed to “backfill” replace those tanks etc. with U.S. tanks and equipment. Ukraine should be infuriated that Countries wouldn’t give help by discarding their outdated Soviet weapons until The U.S. agreed to give newer western ones.
    I ask everyone who is angry about the U.S. aid being paused to do one thing. Type into YouTube U.S. migrant crisis, homeless, or National Debt. Look how Biden said there will be NO aid for the victims of Maui unless more Ukraine aid is approved. There are so many other problems in America that require funding like rebuilding after floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, and wildfires. All this stuff is real for Americans, and I know you’ll scream, but we’re at war. Well so are we, it just hasn’t become a kinetic one yet. Look up the many videos saying The U.S. is on the verge of one. Those saying it’s ridiculous don’t know human nature and haven’t studied the civil war, or Revolutionary War to see how easily another spark can ignite the entire thing.
    I’m for aid to Ukraine, but punishment for European Countries that are taking advantage of the situation. I also want stopped 57,000 Ukrainian Government Salaries and the salaries of over 5,000 Ukrainian Businesses being paid by The U.S. You’ve had 172 Ukrainians charged with corruption taking aid. Clean that up before you blame The U.S. for not sending More

  5. This war can only be stopped by signing a treaty, Ukraine gets new weapons, Russia does the same and so on.Storm shadow vs Russia Unveils Massive New 1.5-Ton Glide Bomb…..even if the Ukrainian army takes over all the occupied territories, it is necessary to keep these territories, Russia will not rest and this is an endless battle.

  6. Really wondering what's gonna happen after the elections. If anything, I think the help needs to be increased 50 fold.

    May this warrior Estonian r.i.p. his death will not go unpunished.

  7. The reason that many Americans don’t want to give any more money to Ukraine is simple.

    Things here have been getting a lot worse. A lot of people feel like that the government cares more for the sake of their international image and other countries people than anyone in the US.

    Which isn’t helped by mass government spending and over the last few years trillions and trillions of dollars printed causing a catastrophic rise in inflation. Then there’s the illegal immigration problem, lack of transparency, raised taxes, housing crisis getting worse, homelessness, etc.

    Many people here in America sympathize with the people of Ukraine and Europe as a whole in this effort but can’t stomach funding or getting wrapped up in another war overseas when things have rapidly deteriorated here. Yes some of the people may make some money producing some of the weapons but alot of these weapons are given out for free or paid for with US tax dollars which is a net loss and that’s not even touching the money/funding sent to Ukraine.

    A lot of people across the world have resented/criticized America because it acts as the world police but simultaneously will guilt trip and call out America for not wishing to send money or equipment for someone’s war effort.

  8. No matter how you look at it the cuts in support to Ukraine are extremely concerning. The MAGA cult and Putin lovers around the world need to be vigorously opposed. If Ukraine loses then all hell will be let loose in Europe.

  9. Any ideas if the weather will affect the mines? Will rain or mud wash any away? Would any weight of mud or snow trigger them? Would freezing temperatures do anything?


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