Tyre Nichols Murder: Five Ex Memphis Police Officers Face Murder Charges | US News | News18 LIVE

Tyre Nichols Murder: Five Ex Memphis Police Officers Face Murder Charges | US News | News18 LIVE

Five former Memphis police officers were charged on Thursday (January 26) with murder in the death of Tyre Nichols, a Black man who died three days after a traffic stop, prosecutors said.

Nichols, a 29-year-old father, died in a hospital on Jan. 10, three days after sustaining injuries during his arrest by the five police officers. Officials are expected to release bodycam footage of the traffic stop on Friday evening.

“We all want the same thing. We want justice for Tyre Nichols,” Shelby County District Attorney Steve Mulroy said at a news conference.

Director of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation David Rausch who saw the video said it was ‘absolutely appalling…this was criminal.’

The five officers, who are all Black, have been charged with second-degree murder, aggravated assault, aggravated kidnapping, official misconduct and official oppression, Mulroy said.

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17 thoughts on “Tyre Nichols Murder: Five Ex Memphis Police Officers Face Murder Charges | US News | News18 LIVE”

  1. A calm, well dressed guy in a nice car and he gets beaten to death in front of his own house. Some say it is the "culture" among the blues. Looks like those in charge have lost all control, purpose, vision, focus, common sense, respect, dignity, consideration, compassion, humanity… It was said "To err is human", but to totally flip out like this is more like animals. There is a wall between the worlds, one that the innocent do not cross – a world of birthdays, holidays, products and services, dance and music, children and school, sports and education, clay, lumber and crayons, work and family. Belonging to this world gives residents rights and freedoms, even defiance, that non-residents don't understand and apparently resent. There has to be fortification to the walls as the two worlds do not share common tendencies or language.

  2. This is not a race issue…EVERYONE IS BLACK!!! This is a power issue. If every police assault on a citizen, was scrutinized like a citizen assault on a police officer. Police brutality would stop overnight.

    “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority; still more when you superadd the tendency of the certainty of corruption by authority.”  

    John Emerich Edward Dalberg . Apr. 5, 1887 

    (copy, past and unite 🙂

  3. I Declare and Decree the Good Lord Yeshua Hamashicah Has Frustrated and Destroyed the Evil Plans of the Luciferin Elites, the Indian Illuminati Pigs to bring forth the One World Order Agenda……Psalms 33:10…I also Declare the End of the Satanist Pigs……Psalms 75:10…

    Amen and Amen and Amen….. Hallelujah…..😃🙏🏻😁🤲👍🔥🙌👏

  4. This is the country of freedom, of civil rights, of respect for democracy and where the institutions work building a liberal paradise on earth with their American lifestyle?

    United States of America is a

    barbarism, a managing country of all the civil-military dictatorships in Latin America in the 60s to the 80s, with the result of tens of thousands of murdered, hundreds of thousands of political prisoners, disappeared and tortured, and millions of

    of exiles and exonerated, this same situation was recognized by force majeure by the US Congress in the 80s given an disclosure of huge cases of political corruption in the institutional framework of the State, in parties

    politicians such as Democrats and Republicans, and with large companies and corporations, from which he recognized his enormous murderous and spurious interference by infiltrating intelligence agents into democratic countries that simply did not respond to

    The interests of the US hegemonic ruling class, in turn, carried out economic boycotts, paid unethical media outlets to ideologize the information, distort it, censor it and even invent cases of

    "clashes" between revolutionaries or ordinary people when they were killed by state terrorism, they also injected money into ultra-right armed groups, fanatical ideological and religious groups in pursuit of destabilizing

    society, fragment it, generate chaos and distrust, both socially and among investors, infiltrated the armed forces of the Latin American States, as generals were paid to execute high treason against the State and its

    towns, US agents were brought in to train terrorist groups and drug traffickers, as well as the rebel armed forces in torture, partisan politicians and bureaucrats were literally bought off, as well as businessmen in pursuit of

    overthrow legitimately elected governments democratically. In turn, the United States of America is the only country that has launched two atomic bombs against the civilian population, constituting one of the most brutal and brutal genocides and acts.

    horrendous events in the History of Humanity and that show that said country is a dictatorial empire and a totalitarian regime.

    Afro-descendant blacks must become aware in the United States of America of the enormous violations of their rights.

    human, civil, and political rights, which are structurally and systematically violated by the political and economic system of the neoliberal dictatorship, must move from analysis and awareness to acting together,

    politically from different angles, the media, politics, psychology, union politics together with the strike and stoppage and mass violence, legitimized when the law and its rule of law, that is, violence

    of law represents in itself class violence and racial violence, because blacks are attacked but in itself they always attack the poor, and even worse if they are poor and black, therefore there is enormous classism and racism, which the democratic world

    or Republicans do not give an answer because they do not want to, because they respond to the agendas of the ruling class, of transnational financial capital, which are all racist, both in form and substance.

    Greetings from Punta Arenas, Chile

  5. We want Justice for any and all people wronged by police & others in powerful positions! We have a judicial system in place to hand down punishment therefore no one or group of people should be allowed to punish another person even if they have committed a crime! We need to let go of the unspoken rule that it’s okay behavior depending on who, what or where!


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