Introducing Outbreak Island / Devlog #1

Outbreak Island is a survival game with detective elements. Investigate the mysteries of an island and stay alive at any cost using a camera, handcrafted weapons and deduction.

Today we’re going to talk about what makes our game unique compared to other survival sims, show some basic gameplay, and talk about the creation and development of the dynamic open world in Outbreak Island.

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Paweł Perepelica


37 thoughts on “Introducing Outbreak Island / Devlog #1”

  1. I love survival games and we haven't gotten a proper zombie (like) survival game geared to the singleplayer. I don't like pvp so i can't bring myself to play day z for that reason. So this looks great. Hope y'all are making this multiplatform so i could possibly play it on my ps4.

    Suggestions: if you haven't decided to do it, i think it would be rad to include predators in the game (wolf, bear ect..) And make your camp fire a deterrent against those animals. Maybe not a full blown shield from wild animals but a deterrent or something like if you get to far from it then you might get attacked. Smoke and bugs would be cool to but i could see that being a bit much on the engine. Conversely you could make that same fire potentially attracted zombie type enemies. Also i love any game that includes some form of base building/fortifying so any degree of that is automatic thumbs up from me. And in depth crafting, maybe not craft intensive like Conan exiles and ark survival evolved but i like crafting weapons/meds/food recipes. You already bee doing all this stuff but that's my 2 cents. I wish you guys much success

  2. Just came here from Reddit. Can’t wait for the release c: question: aside from plants and animals, is it possible to get stuck from poorly using nonrenewable resources? Like for instance, if a new player were to use some newly discovered resources for a specific item, but then it turns out 20 minutes later they needed that resource for a specific machine benefiting survival, would they be screwed?

  3. Wow, I very much like the looks of this! Is it just the two of you working on this, and have you made all the assets yourself or purchased them? Also, what engine are you using?

  4. i came from a Reddit post about your game, which seems interesting, i do love survival games alot, so this one is going to my list, i'm interested already and i wish you best of luck with the game and hope it's a success!

  5. This looks like an amazing zombie survival game. The only I feel is missing is more deviation from the rest of the genre as you simply cannot beat most triple A game studios. Possibly being able to inject parts of the virus into various limbs that's blood stream has been cut off from the rest of the body to retain the power of various zombies would be amazing.

  6. This game is looking super awesome. The gameplay looks smooth and fun. Really like the added camera feature which adds to the spookiness of the game. The environment just looks beautiful. I can see lot of hard work went behind this game. Just wishlisted. Keep it up! 🙂

  7. Currently working on a series with this game. Looking forward to seeing what you guys do with it! So far I’m in love with it. It’s definitely a unique survival game and it has LOADS of potential!


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