Tyrant cops get schooled!! These guys do not know the law!!

Original video: https://youtu.be/smNz3j_mp14

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39 thoughts on “Tyrant cops get schooled!! These guys do not know the law!!”

  1. I study the laws as regards to my rights as a citizen. It’s unbelievable how many times I’ve encountered a “kop” that didn’t know the laws..I would just walk up to them and ask questions as if I didn’t know.

  2. These two cops are genius. They probably have an IQ of 65. Gee your smart officer. These guys are regular scarecrows, “The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side,” of RAS. 🤔😵‍💫

  3. LOL! I guess the days of NYPD grabbing your arm, flipping you around, and bouncing your face off the trunk of your car, and telling your broken nose azz that "you WILL answer my questions and show ID" is over—right? Is it? Well……is it? Are you 100% certain? They seem to find a way around this shit.

  4. US police solve just 2% of crimes. NYPD is just a bit under that average. After listening to these walking idiots with egos, I wonder how they ever solve anything. The US spends over $428 Billion/year on police, and 98% of it is wasted. Of course that figure doesn't include the billions taxpayers are on the hook for due to all the lawsuits.

  5. The money taken out of their wages is a tax from the money they earned, so they indeed pay taxes, even if their wages come from the taxes of others. Nevertheless, people shouldn't be paying taxes if they're about the constitution anyways, as Americans were to be the tax collectors, not the tax payers. It was part of the tariff act for the Americans to collect taxes from foreign transactions when conducting business with foreign companies. The American was/is supposed to turn that tax over to the US treasury, not their own money. Sadly people have been duped. Not all income is taxable. A direct tax can't be laid upon the American, so what you have today is voluntary.

  6. Cops and government employees provide a service for which they are paid. The source of the pay is irrelevant. They provide a service and are paid, just like everyone else.
    That pay is then taxed. Government employees, therefore, pay taxes. That argument that they don't is nonsensical.

  7. Brandishing NYPD police insignia used to come with some clout and respect.. Now the general public knows that mainly idiots and security guard quality officers are hired and therefore when an officer sports that insignia, it doesn't mean anything, and actually probably makes them look like a fool.. A clown.

  8. This interaction was just plain pathetic and are these cops that dumb or are we being “punked”? I’m hoping it’s just a bad prank because if we hire idiots like these two, no wonder we’re in trouble with policing in this country. The egos on these two just kept them talking and digging themselves into a deeper hole. All I can say is….well, there is nothing more to say about these two befuddled, sorry excuse for cops….I’m scared!

  9. Jesus saw everything

    Do Harm to No MAN

    Jesus Knows the Law

    Know the Bill OF RIGHTS

    Rapture very SOON

    Are you going to be Ready

    This is on You

    Heaven or Hell


    Your born in the Spirit


    Saved From HELL

    Do Harm to NO MAN

    What gives You the Right . To Do Wrong 😳


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