Tyranids vs Custodes Warhammer 40k Battle Report Ep 216

To watch the Tyranids vs Blood Angels Battle Report, go here

Josh and Michael are playing 2000 points of Storm Their Lines

Get your miniatures commission painted by Siege Studios

MWG Silver Vault members gain access to discount codes from terrain and miniatures companies featured in this battle report here: https://www.miniwargaming.com/vault/silver-discount/

A big “thank you” goes out to Games Workshop for sending us free models and books for their games, some of which may be included in this video.

Also featured in this video is terrain by March of War: https://marchofwar.co.uk/


30 thoughts on “Tyranids vs Custodes Warhammer 40k Battle Report Ep 216”

  1. Nice! 😃😄😁😆😅5 Smile's watching for some other 40k games put into battle play for 40k necromander space Hulk inquisition dreadnaught Titan's with kit sets for you unique army build???GW needs to get to Work on those twenty year old issues. 😁

  2. As a nids player this was hard to watch. Should have front loaded your cp. Monsters have a Trans human Stat that would have helped a lot. Also could have used a strat to give out the zoanthrope imperative again.

  3. I love using the Shield Host traits on my Blade champ – Blade Champ lock warden is an absolute monster with fight first, force fight last, ignore invulns, 6 attacks at S6 AP-4 re-roll all wounds dmg3 and you can give him the +1 to wound roll for 1CP against anything T6 and up. I feel like the Dmg3 capitalises on the ignore invulns better than Bike captain.

  4. Only watching for a couple of minutes and spotted 2 mistakes straight away. Misricordia is -2ap not -1 and he didn't take the 6+ fnp against mortals that all Custodes have

  5. seems off that custodies do not have armour of contempt at all, makes them often no stronger than a primaries in Gravis armour to resist damage ironically. I.e. if they have ap -1 then they'll have the same save, toughness and number of wounds. If custodes had armour of contempt then at least they'd have a save 1 higher still on weapons that do -1 ap and -2 ap. on -3 ap because of their invulnerable save they're already usually better. Also not having it on their vehicles makes them some of the weakest imperial vehicles around when their invun save isn't being used.

  6. Hive tyrant can reroll one wound roll every time he fights thanks to his tail.
    He also rerolls hit rolls of 1 (I know he couldn't reroll against the telemon).
    The knives (misericordia) are ap2.
    If the tervigon had adrenal glands (which it should always have), you could give it an extra d3 attacks for a CP. Same with hive tyrant.
    Hive tyrant absolutely should have charged into the telemon without the tyrant guards going in solo. Not only was there no way for those tyrant guards to do damage to a t8 2+ save target, but the telemon has flat 4 damage fists, and the tyrant guards have 4 wounds…. And the hive tyrant could guarantee the telemon dying with the crushing stampede stratagem that does d3+3 mortal wounds on the charge.

    Very bad placement of the tervigon by the Tyranid player. The whole point of the tervigon is regenerating screening units. Then he places the tervigon in the front as an easy charge target….

    Also the majority of custodes weapons are damage 2 and yet the Tyranid player didn't use reinforced hive node once, which reduces all damage by 1, making custodes very inefficient against Tyranid warriors on the charge…

  7. Michael was a really exciting player to see, he's a very good list builder and has such a strong grasp of the game that I was able to learn a lot!

    Specifically I think that an inexperienced player, when looking at the pivotal moment of the game, would look to something that had just happened i.e. "the Deathleaper not killing the sword and board in his first round of combat". Michael had the grasp to call out what may seem to be an insignificant round of lost movement. I am very glad to have watched two of his games.


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