Tyler1 Response to the Griefing Situation

Tyler1 EU Challenge: https://youtu.be/uCvxffdb-Ps?list=PLEmOqyOOpkKYDlqzo5mJMaXhBt-mjz0nQ
Tyler1 Outbreak of the Decade: https://youtu.be/PuvBBOJXgxg
Tyler1 Best Overwatch 2 Moments: https://youtu.be/sY5DTcELPJ4
Tyler1 Champions Queue: https://youtu.be/SaKqLVQ8GpY?list=PLEmOqyOOpkKYg3NqSIDlVNZR4krts8-ji
Tyler1 plays Overwatch 2: https://youtu.be/jN64kjWH7F4?list=PLEmOqyOOpkKbbFK8DLCkE4cKAUmALUDMM
Tyler1 cries with laughter as he watches the best rage compilation :https://youtu.be/Ez_VA4sg7qk
Tyler1 as a girl: https://youtu.be/JUuxo166NHM
Tyler gets stunned for 7.17s: https://youtu.be/WAz8eHyva3o
Tyler1 reacts to The Washington Post’s article about him :https://youtu.be/a8ZTRVq3CYM
Tyler1 Reacts to LoL Pentakill Concert EVENT: https://youtu.be/-g0YSb3wupA
Tyler1 1v1 viewers with Discord: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBBS2SNyBWY&list=PLEmOqyOOpkKa2j6gC8GSSXTYfcullGt3u
The best of Tyler1: https://youtu.be/qJhHFwi1C2Q?list=PLEmOqyOOpkKb4U1pMhGPT8lpE4PXSHW4C

#lolclips #leagueoflegends #tyler1

Vod Timestamp: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1814951531?t=00h08m18s

Tyler1 socials:
► Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/loltyler1
► Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/tyler1_alpha
► Twitter – https://twitter.com/loltyler1
► Merch – http://www.loltyler1.com/

Channel ran by Zaaif
Contact me at: [email protected]


32 thoughts on “Tyler1 Response to the Griefing Situation”

  1. Let's be honest, i would grief someone too if he was consistently toxic in chat. Imo he deserved some of those losses, if they were actually due to him being griefed

  2. Honestly, if a few nerds have to take a hit from T1 for rito to wake up and ban griefing, soft inting, throwing, and general shit behavior I'm all for it.
    Telling on someone on Reddit is an absolutely pathetic move though. Crazy

  3. Back in 2014 i leveled an account to 30 running it down every single game. Got banned after a game I flamed someone. Riot will never change

  4. Ohh , he now just realized this? .. its 2023, this has been known since 2015. you are 8 years behind Tonka T… Get with the game! You are hardstuck in the glorly-days of lol! Just lock it in!

  5. The thing is at least in OCE ive recieved the reports of this player has been found sabotaging the game and has been dealt with message ( reported for griefing so unless im mistaken it does work at least in OCE) maybe cause lower population ? unsure but they do get banned for griefing or intentionally feeding.

  6. My jungler doesn’t play jungle, or as they say “I don’t have any jungle champs, so…”, and what do they do?

    They lock in Sona flash TP and run straight top because my top laner said they won’t role swap.

    They will never get punished for this game, and I just lost my master promos because of that sh*t xd

  7. Current banning system is like someone being seek and instead of eliminating the virus they cover your mouth and be like "See, do you hear him complaining or even coughting? No? Then problem solved". While he is dying inside.

  8. Yeah… I got two accounts banned. One of them was from season 5, I got banned because I raged backed at someone who was trolling and flaming the team.

    I got banned… But I don't think the other person did….

  9. Honestly, good for him. The face of league is using his power to hopefully force Riot into doing actual work and investing in their behavioral system, but I'm sure they'll drop him long before that's even discussed.

  10. It's obvious riot is mismanaging their priorities…

    Instead of just ineffectively (and kinda randomly) penalizing bad behavior by working on the shitload of reports of every player, riot might be better off trying to use their main advertisers to send a message to their communities!
    The top streamers have so much influence on the active player base of the game, that using them might actually help combating griefing.

    In other words…. Set up Tyler1 and other pillars of the community with a team of "internal reviewers" to teach people what happens if they wanna fk around…..
    (Instead of provoking and promoting the toxicity, by forcing ppl like Tyler1 to understandably bitch about getting griefed on a daily basis because there are seemingly not consequences those actions)

  11. Because big game companies are so keen on not employing humans for monitoring player behavior, even in the smallest of samples (i.e. challenger)

  12. Its true. I got so tilted at my top laner coming to mid for no reason to take my wave. I legit warned him Im gonna run it down if he comes back and does it. Look who comes back and look who runs it down.

    Didnt get banned. Diana didnt get banned but the mustve gotten a chat restriction cuz he tilted out of his mind

  13. idc what happens GREIFING SHOULD NOT BE NORMALIZED PERIOD tyler is in the wrong here for literally not banning a champ i understand now he is like oh maybe the devs would do something about this but still that was a ranked game not cool

  14. The way to fix the griefing issue is simple: Clip the obvious griefs, write an actual support ticket on the website, and add the grief clips to the end of it with detailed timestamps in the explanation. Yes, thats a pain in the ass. Yes, riot should do more. Yes, its bullshit that thats the length we have to go through just to get 1 griefer banned. BUT it works.

  15. I hate when players want to lose for whatever reason, but still, it's a game, and there are infinite possibles how you play it, so it will be tough to build a system that can tell if the player is griefing or not and maybe impossible

  16. I've honestly seen this discussed so many times.

    Seriously my friend got chat restricted after typing a lot for ONE game, because someone decided to harass him and boom. Same shit happened to me plenty of times, after being harrassed for the 16th time this week you just dont even mute them anymore and let it all out.

    Meanwhile I (and my friends)report people that just selfmute and run it down inting about 10ish kills but still getting an assist or so and they never get banned at worst i see a report feedback meaning they might have had a warning but I can very clearly see in their match history that they are still playing and even running down games.

    One thing I always agree with in this discussion is that its literally statistically better to just mute yourself, mute all and run it down. You are far less likely to get punished than playing the game longer and possibly having a burst of anger that leads to you typing some bs you dont mean out of frustration and getting a restriction.


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