Two Women Talking: Fair Criticism vs Misogyny pt 2

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20 thoughts on “Two Women Talking: Fair Criticism vs Misogyny pt 2”

  1. To be fair songs point doesn't require said fashion sense to be frequently used, just to demonstrably exist.

    On masculine vs feminine rage, personally I kinda feel both sides tend to miss the other sides points because;
    From what I'm getting one said is saying that cristilazation of rage is universal, something a agree with. While the point Song and Liana are making is that in the feminine normative world most women are used to this manifests, and is rationalized, in a distinctly different manner then the masculine normative one most men are used to, again something I don't doubt. The issue I'm seeing Ironically is the failure to actively note the difference between sex and gender in the discussion, and the impact that can have. As just as Liana's more masculine skewing behavior can result in a more masculine manifestation of rage, so too can a male with a more feminine norm have a more feminine manifestation of rage

    On the breast implant point, fair 16 yr olds probably shouldn't be getting those implants

  2. since mentioning female authors and their names they put on their books, what about anne McCaffrey? she stuck to her female name out of the gate going by the earliest covers i found of her first book and sold fine, could that be a country related thing? the US vs the UK?

  3. About R-Rated Animation – I wish there was more success on that front from the U.S. itself. Heavy Metal will always be my favorite, to the point where I got it on multiple formats. That is one reason so many people do like anime. Anime is just the style of the product, but there are multiple genres within it. As Liana pointed out before, for such a conformist society, Japan is rather freer in this regard.

  4. you mention the parents fucking their kids up somehow, i know my mom fucked me up and caused some trauma with me that honestly i have no idea how to unpack and deal with, but i dont blame her, it was the late 80's into 90's, dick all was known about autism and other issues i have to start with, ontop of that my issues like that hadnt even been noticed they thoguht it was just ADHD, another one that far less was known back then, and the legally lblind shit. all that said i dont blame her, she has done so much trying to do right by me, evne if she fucks up its out of ignorance not malice, a lack of knowing how or what to do

  5. A trend I noticed while reading older books and some Manga is when women did comment acts of violence they would use poison or magic. Which are relatively passive froms of violence especially compared to a a guy using a weapon to enact violence.

    I think the reason for this because for the longest time a woman place was in kitchen (not my personal opinion but it was a common view). Since you need food handing off food prep duties to someone else dose creat a vulnerability. So women posing food or use magic the looks suspiciously like cooking was tapping into that fear of hey as a guy I need someone to help me survive but treat those I depend on not the greatest.

    I noticed books after feminism became more prevalent that women started to use other weapons.

  6. On the topic of love, I've always wondered why people claim that love can only be enough for one person. The concept is somehow very game-like, in that you have this finite resource called love which you can assign into one person and then you are out of love resources. And if you break up or divorce, said love token gets returned so you can use it again on someone else.

    I personally feel like there shouldn't be any problems at all to love plenty of people. The limits are rather on other things like if a man actually could sexually satisfy 10 women without some feeling left out. Or if a man could spend time doing things with 10 women, without any women feeling like they had something planned but the man was not available. (Can swap men and women around for an opposite scenario if you want to). In other words, it seems like the last thing someone needs to question in a relationship is love, and it would be much more reasonable to question things like "Why can't you take time to hang out with me?" or "Are you aware of the disease risks when you go hang around with other people all the time?".

    Of course most of these questions are hard to answer before anyone has defined what love actually is. Which is usually something very hard to describe since it essentially means "Someone good enough to be a friend, but attractive so we have sex".

  7. Jesus Christ, THANK YOU! Family Guy is absolute dog shit, and the worst part about it is that if you let a Family Guy clip autoplay on Youtube, you can say goodbye to your recommendations because everything you are going to see for the next month is Family Guy clips in your recommendations.

    How is that show funny? Hell, there is a "joke" that god-awful Simpsons crossover where they go "See? That's the difference between our shows. We wouldn't talk about rape, we would have shown the rape!"….Uhhh, edgy! Fuck off! What's funny about that?!

  8. Liana, I think on the presumption of innocense you miss that if that should apply to groups, then we don't need women's and men's spaces because the assumption should always be that no man will harm any woman.
    We don't do that for groups normally, so why do it for trans? If we assume men could assault women and make rules about it, we should do the same for trans people. Unless we want to treat trans people like "not humans".

  9. I have to push back a little on Chappelle because I know where he's coming from. And he has a point. you can outright kill Black people but don't dare hurt the feelings of LGBT people. I do not like how all of a sudden racism means nothing now but Transphobia is the death sentence. Dave Chappelle made a great point. the day primarily White people moved in on claiming oppression means nobody else's struggle means anything.

  10. There was no good way for IGN to review to review hogwarts legacy. The least worst thing would be to ignore the controversy and make a perfectly average this-is-what-the-game-is-like review complete with a 7/10 score but that would require ign to be competent at their job

  11. I have to say the Jennifer Lawrence story really bugs me as well. Mostly because no matter what is true, something is very wrong.

    One scenario is that Jennifer was telling the absolute truth about why she took those pictures for her boyfriend. If he was in fact, pressuring her directly or even to an extent indirectly to send him nudes when she didn't really want to or he'll stray, my sympathy is entirely with her, and he frankly doesn't deserve to stay in the relationship because that's abusive behavior on his part.

    Another scenario is that Jennifer felt societal pressure to send nudes to her boyfriend even if she didn't really want to but there was no pressure or threats of any level of infidelity from him. In that case, I feel badly for both of them. Jennifer because of the pressure she felt to do something she didn't really want to. And as for her boyfriend, what an awful way to find out what he thought was a mutually enjoyable adult activity was a dreaded chore for his girlfriend. And my one criticism of Jennifer in that case was that was something she should have talked to him about it before things got to this point.

    A third scenario is that what Jennifer said was a lie and she just completely threw her boyfriend under the bus with a "men are pigs" victim narrative. In which case, all my sympathy goes to him and frankly I think he should end things with her. Because that's a terrible slanderous thing to say about someone if it's not true.

  12. Hard for me to say much of anything of the first sixth of the video. Although, I'm surprised that those who deny female mass shooters don't consider the existence of female mass murderers or serial killers. Then again, last time I tried arguing with those people, they kept at the "guns kill people" narrative. Even when I mention arson, bombings, chemical, and biological attacks, they treat it like a joke. Thinking I'm talking about throwing poppers and cops or acting like the various attacks via mail never happened. They live in their weird little bubble, complete with the nonsense of "keep guns away from men and the world is safe" idea. An idea that, I'm sorry to say, is just stupid for so many reasons. To think, they also believe that only men do the killings. I shouldn't be surprised, but I am.

    As for the talk of trends. I've seen the same. I remember the mermaid trend, which resulted in some fascinating fan art. Although, I must confess the whole thing with spider people is surprisingly fun to see. Especially the curious anime and fanfiction that has come out. Some of them I think are kinda cute.

    As for the talk of wanting a monster over a man, I've seen the same. Maybe that's why so many men have decided to make themselves into monsters. Some wanting to be either Hyde or Hulk 24/7. Maybe it's what they view as acceptable. Then again, some people do say becoming one of these monsters is necessary, despite the fact that we have too many Hydes running around.

    I won't speak much of Frankenstein as my take seems irrelevant. The short of it, I interpret it as stories of the hubris of man.

    As for women and writing, I've noticed the same with women and all fiction. It's clearly more of the majority having strange expectations.

    As for the problem with Rick and Morty, I just sigh with a "again that happened?" Simply because I recall the same with the author of Samurai X, which was a disappointment. And then news came of other authors, showrunner, and such doing the same. Kinda sad that my response is "this again?" It isn't the frustration of people getting caught. It's the frustration that these are the people who get hired. So many creative people are out there who are better behaved, yet they don't get hired where as these people do. I can go on, but that would be hours worth of ranting. I think it's clear what I'm saying.

    Also, in many of the circles I interact with, people don't like Family Guy, either. There's been a lot of people who also do video essays one what makes modern Family Guy bad. May sound weird, but earlier Family Guy was better. Peter going from the early days of loving his daughter to the modern where he clearly hates his daughter, as one of countless examples, shows just how terrible the show has gotten.

    A thought just came to my mind when coming back to the talk of Hogwarts Legacy. There's a lot I would love to talk about. Yet, I do wonder now just how deep does the strange perception of women go. I'm thinking more in regards to how awful people were to those who played the game and how much of a shitshow that is. I say "is" because there's still so much of it going on.

    Everything else I can honestly say I agree. Especially on the subject of animation and video games, which many people have done video essays on as well. Another thing I can rant for hours about. Well, at least Puss In Boots, Sonic the Hedgehog, and various independent works exist. Stuff outside of watercooler content, which is a term I will now use for a lot of the lesser interesting content.

  13. The XKCD retelling of Frankenstein is literally three panels of the doctor naming the Monster Frankenstein, purely so people can call the monster Frankenstein and be technically correct 😛


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