TWiV 989: Antibody cross-reactivity is metal

TWiV explains a study on presence of COVID-19 vaccine mRNA in the blood, and the isolation of cross-protective monoclonal …


29 thoughts on “TWiV 989: Antibody cross-reactivity is metal”

  1. "Should be 'do not'" – No it shouldn't! The paper used correct grammar, while you got it wrong. "Data" is uncountable, like "water". Being snarky is bad, but being snarky and wrong is the worst.
    Other than that, it was an interesting discussion.

  2. 12:08 Great discussion debunking the rogue retired nurse educator John Campbell. He seems to be making about $1000 per video he uploads due to the number of views they get from antivaxxers. People in the UK should contact the Nursing and Midwifery Council to ask why one of their members is spreading harmful disinformation on Youtube for his own profit.

  3. If a myocite with syntetic mARN produce Spike more time ,may be boosters are not needed ?(to much can have less effect or can harm)
    When myocite was destroyed by immune system m ARN can be released.

  4. From 2021 Campbell worried about lack of aspiration to check for blood before vaccinating .
    So if the vaccine mRNA entered the blood stream from a anomalous vein in the deltoid – would this be a problem ?

  5. I think john Campbell is reacting out of surprise because initially he sold the vaccines and pharma story that the mRNA was very short lived and would stay only in the arm. I believe this program also broadcast this same disinformation. I agree with Vincent that this is not a scary result. But we were wrong.

  6. Nothing better than scientists being completely closed off to having an open minded discussion about Covid origins and potential vaccine issues. I used to love this station. All anyone wants is open minded discussion.

  7. Vaxed young athletes dropping dead of stopped hearts and long, elastic fibrous clots found in the blood of dead people by embalmers is not explained yet either. And those facts are much more concerning.

  8. I disagree with John Campbell on many things, but he isn't just saying the vaccine is worse than the virus, he's saying it's worse than the virus RIGHT NOW
    (Still wrong, but let's actually quote other people correctly)

  9. The most uncomfortable giggles at 11:20. I enjoy their show but they refuse to acknowledge that many scientist were banned and silenced for discussing lab leak, ineffectiveness of commonly worn masks, and natural immunity. Science isn’t right by consensus. You should be able to defend your position without silencing others. The pendulum is finally swinging with new facts. Many people should be ashamed of their behavior. It’s un-American, not scientific, and it’s low brow humor like a Jon Stewart sketch.

  10. In 'Hothouse' by Brian Aldis, the Earth has stopped rotating, and the bright side has become completely tropical forest. The dominant species are plants, and they have bridged space to colonise the Moon too. Humans live in the canopy and have shrunk so small that they are hunted by wasps. Their minds have become symbiotic with a fungus they call the Morel, and it is their constant companion and guide through life.
    Best read with some early Floyd, and Hawkwind or Tangerine Dream playing. 🙂

  11. Referring to the discussion of the first paper: Some of the guests pointing out there's no data about how much RNA is around in the blood or if there's Lipid Nano Particles….Doesn't that mean the whole vaccination campaign with these new products has been one huge experiment, since there's actually no data about these possible problems?
    BTW saying John Campbell is saying this for the money is just an ad hominem. I'm sure he's not making anything, because his content is not monetizable, since it goes against WHO guidelines. I'm also not seeing him driving Ferraris all the time. There's much more corruption going on in governments and lobbying with big pharma to look for, that would hint to bad decision making regarding these vaccines. Virologists like you guys depend on funding from government, which doesn't make you free of suspicions on how you might be biased.

  12. At the time, women playing in bands was not as commonplace as it is now. Our high school didn't allow women in band until the 1970s. Add to that that most women were expected to marry and raise families and not pursue careers.

  13. This gets really fun, discussion of the second paper, the technology & findings. I'm with RC on this, mind-blown and humble in the face of breath-taking advances in the field. (e.g. clone mediated class switching, not to mention the sorting, etc. to find those 2 B cells, discussed ~ 44 min) I love the discussion of those sequencing gels (".. the really treacherous part…")

  14. YouTube timestamps by Les of first part of episode

    MicrobeTV Discord Server


    02:24 ASV 2023 meeting Registration

    03:31 TWiV1000: Live from New York, Its Saturday Night. April 15th. In-person audience.

    04:00 Paul Berg obituary

    07:06 DOE low confidence in lab leak hypothesis

    11:28 Spike mRNA in blood (J Path Micro Imm)

    12:49 QR CODE

    28:13 Spike mRNA in blood (Biomedicine)

    31:40 Cross-protective mAbs against respiratory viruses (Nat Comm)

    RSV prefusion F protein vaccine in older adults (NEJM)

    Ad26.RSV.preF–RSV preF protein vaccine (NEJM)

    Letters read on TWiV 989

    Website audio timestamps by Jolene. Thanks.

  15. In 1972 I attended a lecture given by Dr. Berg at Queen’s University in Kingston Ontario. He blew me away with the recombination ideas. Have never forgotten that lecture and the impact it had on me throughout my life working as a nurse in Oncology research. RIP Dr. Berg.


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