Turning Fallout 1's Super Mutants Into Goo – Day 3

War never changes, but neither does the classic PC game Fallout that started the series that we know and love today. Off the back of the release of the successful Prime series inspired by this game and it’s sequels I brought peak 1997 gaming to 2024 to see how fun the original Fallout is.

Stream Date: 11th May 2024

Stream Title: The Fallout 1 MEGA-Playthrough – TV show? Fallout 76? Are you okay? It’s 1997, lets play some Fallout.

Twitch Channel – https://www.twitch.tv/jabo

Main Channel – https://www.youtube.com/c/ItsJabo


23 thoughts on “Turning Fallout 1's Super Mutants Into Goo – Day 3”

  1. Bethesda Game Studios is a failed developer, they’re riding the coat tails of their amazing IP’s, they could literally slap Fallout or The Elder Scrolls logo on a turd and make a billion, but that’s coming to an end. They’re gonna fuck up TES6 and then Fallout 5 will be the last game Bethesda ever makes, Microsoft is gonna shut them down and hand the IP to a different Studio and pray a redemption arc happens.

  2. you need lights directly on the greenscreen behind you to get rid of the shadows, will make the greenscreen perform a lot better.

    alright, 10 seconds later you're saying that you already know, so theres that ^^


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