Tuesday Single Faction Tourney – CHORF SUFFERING | Total War Warhammer 3 Multiplayer

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20 thoughts on “Tuesday Single Faction Tourney – CHORF SUFFERING | Total War Warhammer 3 Multiplayer”

  1. I think an interesting way to make the Blue Scribes better would be to give them the lore passive for every lore of spell they have in the rotation. So casting a spell also procs the passive of all currently equiped lores of magic

  2. Not sure you need to entirely rethink Chorfs vs Chaos Warriors build. Scuttling the Death Shriek across the map at the start basically meant your army got strung out and the artillery didn't do much. Then having to screen it with ranged units and using further ranged as calls in basically meant your high DPS ranged assets all got shut down right away. On a different map that wouldn't require you to move the Death Shriek so far, would probably have been a very different game.

  3. I've only watched the first game, but maybe double Castellan + either Astrogoth or a Bale Taurus goon squads. Goblin trash for numbers, and a deathshricker. Then mostly cavalry in the reserve. Idk though, the infantry always trades downwards which is clearly the biggest issue of chorfs.

  4. In the 40k Mortarion Book "The Pale King" The Deathguard hear word of a system where 90% of the population is a slave cast, they work every hour they aren't sleeping, they're fed recycled corpses, they're constantly kept under the influence of drugs that make them docile. So docile that workplace accidents deaths are as frequent as they are unacknowledged.
    Other primarchs suggest ignoring the system, they keep to themselves and the crusade can't be held up by a siege, Mortarion won't hear of it. These people are suffering now, the worlds must be retaken. He does a spearhead strike from outside the system, all engines running full blast, They crash into the main hivecity, taking significant losses the entire time.

    The backline dive onto the Chieftan reminds me of this, so very much.

  5. Did Turin bully Subatai about powergrab? 😛 It seemed like good business to unsummon the chiefain when he was almost dead. I kept waiting for him to get pushed off the map and the rats to rout. Good game.

  6. Please Turin, at this rate just make a community balance patch, you've fixed half the game by adding maps to the map pool already, without which multiplayer is unplayable. Every single patch CA have brought out has broken and introduced more bugs than they have fixed and honestly i don't think anyone trusts them for their next patch to be any different, but we all trust you to do right, your not the hero we deserve but we definitely need you right now <3

  7. How do castelans deal with the nurgle exalted heroes? They can shoot from a far and if the heroes are on a horse that bonus vs large helps.

    Likewise vs the trolls, especially the armired ones, how do fireglaives fair? They are AP and fire on both their range and melee, and they have an, admittedly small, bonus vs large. Seems they could do work.

  8. Idea for a more balanced faction wars: Collaborate with the top players to determine a "build point deficit" for over-tuned factions, i.e. Ogre Kingdoms are allowed 600 less points for either their starting, reinforcing, or total army build, Lizardmen get 400 less, Wood Elves get 200 less, etc (I'm pulling #s out of my ass for the sake of the idea). Thoughts?


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