Tucker Carlson Tonight 4/11/24 | Tucker Carlson Tonight April 11, 2024

Tucker Carlson Tonight 4/11/24:
“Naomi Wolf: From Prominent Liberal Intellectual to Lockdown Skeptic – What Happened Next Will Surprise You”


21 thoughts on “Tucker Carlson Tonight 4/11/24 | Tucker Carlson Tonight April 11, 2024”

  1. I think the vaccinated have done something permanently to their body and their children’s bodies so potentially horrendous that they cannot face the guilt their decision would bring if they were to admit they were wrong.

  2. I have never been vaccinated. Every 2-3 years I get a 24 hour fever-it's extremely unpleasant, but goes way in a day. It is my immune sytem expelling toxins. I take ZERO medication.
    Otherwise, i never get sick, never have a "cold", and never had the "covid".

  3. It’s a start. But she’ll have to start questioning her views of the “holocaust” and only traditional Catholicism (not the post Vatican 2 new Catholicism) has the right interpretation of everything and only that is true Christianity.

  4. Human beings do not understand the role of viruses. They do not understand the real human being either.
    When they learn the real human being, only then will they be ready to understand the role of viruses in evolution.

  5. As an athiest, and please christians don't take that as an opportunity to change my mind and think that I haven't thought it through. Whatever leads people to do good in their beliefs is fine, but I wish conservatives wouldn't think that believing in god is always needed and the reason for this evil behavior. I saw the craziness in all of this just through pure common sense and knowing that There is no money in keeping people healthy. I have watched Naomi Wolf for years and liked what she said.


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