Tucker Carlson Tonight 2/27/24 | Tucker Carlson Tonight February 27, 2024

Tucker Carlson Tonight 2/27/24:
Rand Paul is one of the few Republicans in the senate who understands the threat of Nikki Haley. He may be the only one who cares where COVID came from. “Anthony Fauci should be in jail,” he says.


28 thoughts on “Tucker Carlson Tonight 2/27/24 | Tucker Carlson Tonight February 27, 2024”

  1. Thank you, Rand Paul and Tucker, what got me the most was when Vivek wiped the floor with Niki during the 3rd R debate and after they said she won. Putin wanted Ukraine because of the shipyard. Fauci should be arrested.

  2. Rand Paul is one of the very few good ones for sure. Forget who said this, "politics is the art of acquiring power and prestige without merit." The politics going on in this country is rampant with corruption and morons.

  3. Russia is certainly not thankful to Gorbachev and Eastern Ukraine doesn't have any desire to be part of present Kiev regime that killed their civilians starting from 2014. That whas the main reason of Russian military operation. They had to defend and support the people of Donbass

  4. Blaming Anthony Fauci and China looks like misdirection to me.
    If lab made, the virus could have been made outside China then imported to China during the October 2019 Military World Games turning it into an international superspreader event.

    It is always easier to blame someone else than looking at your own side. I honestly suspect that China was framed for a pandemic.

  5. Curious about all of the people around here in America if they still support Ukraine or if it was just a virtuous thing to do is wave their flag instead of the US flag off their door step.


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