Tua Tagovailoa’s sickening concussion(s) ruin credibility of NFL, Dolphins – ESPN | PTI

Tua Tagovailoa’s sickening concussion(s) ruin credibility of NFL, Dolphins – ESPN | Pardon The Interruption


31 thoughts on “Tua Tagovailoa’s sickening concussion(s) ruin credibility of NFL, Dolphins – ESPN | PTI”

  1. A back injury can cause intense migraines etc. I experienced it from a guy slamming into my truck. Went on a year… Years later I still get them.
    Back injury never heals

  2. Why is Wilbon always sooo wrong?
    1st: Nobody but the doctors & Tua really know if it was his back or head. But to fence sit on player safety is so Mike.
    2nd: Shohei is the best player in baseball. Period. Full Stop. Maybe ever. To penalize him for his teammates, lack of ability and execution is unfair, and shortsighted. He is doing everything in his ability as a pitcher AND hitter! Blame the Angles. Blame almost everyone else but Trout but until Judge throws a few quality starts or comes in to close the 9th I deem all MVP arguments invalid.
    It’s like when Jordan DIDN’T get the MVP a few times only because the NBA felt like they had to give it to someone else! This whole “valuable” part of the MVP being up for interpretation discussion is ridiculous. So you only can “Valuable” to a winning team huh? In the sport where one person’s impact is the most diluted? SMH. He can only pitch once in 5 days & is up 4x a game. So swap the players. He a MVP now? So the argument is now not about greatness but about luck. You have to hope your greatness is surrounded with other competent players or it doesn’t matter. That’s a bad argument.

  3. Look to world rugby for guidance. There is "precaution" about Head Injury Assessment (HIA). You wobble like that after a blow to the back of the head..you are not returning. And there is a period afterwards whee you are not going on the field. Major point not spoken about is it was a blow to the back of the head. The blow in the first game looked harder than the second, but, back of head is a very dangerous place to take impact.

  4. My problem is the disparity in assistance and treatment received by black players and white players, post football. Black players treatment, like everything else is substandard and oftentimes, non-existent There are many examples where they are left alone to function for themselves! NO MORE SOFT PRESSURE!

  5. No one is talking about the tackle. It was a borderline dirty play, definitely unnecessary. He drove Tua head into tge ground causing the concussion. I thought we were protecting players? There was no flag, no nothing.

  6. Look up Sidney Crosby, and how the Penguins dealt with their "Superstars" concussion. He played in only 8 games in a season and a half after he went almost EXACTLY to a T what Tua went through. Head shot, played 4 days later, another head shot, done for a year and a half.

  7. Michael you disgusting bruh I will never listen to your bullshit show ever. How dare you not stand up for another black man. SMH fucking clown 🤡 you’re part of the program I see idiot.

  8. A guy hits a few more homeruns than Giancarlo Stanton did 5 years ago and that makes his season better than a player that has put up a season like no other player in baseball history. Most Valuable Player is most Valuable of the league not Most Valuable TEAM Player and has been for a very long time. Why idiots keep claiming this is still a team award and you have to be on a winning team is moronic. Ohtani at a minimum should win co-MVP… anything less is an insult to the game and it's history.

  9. I have doubts about talking heads that are defending the Dolphins and the Doctors when we know what we really know about head injuries – and sure it's not good for the NFL, but has nothing to do with what day of the week it is, but what happened Sunday isn't/wasn't a minor back/ankle injury – pretend you don't know – you know. Has nothing to do with Thursday and concussions are a 4 week healing process – not 7 days, 4 weeks. You get paid – so quit pretending to be above it Mike.

  10. So I am a fan of the Dolphins but more importantly I'm a fan of football for 25 + years . This is ridiculous im calling on players of the game to boycott the NFL! The NFL, NFLPA, THE DOLPHINS, THE FANS, AND THE PLAYERS HAVE FAILED TUA AND ALL OTHERS PAST AND FUTURE FAILED CALLS FOR PEOPLES HEALTH! STOP GIVING THE NFL AND THE NFL OWNERS YOUR MONEY! ITS NOT GOING TO CHANGE UNTIL IT HITS THE NFL IN THE CHECK BOOK!


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