Trying Out Forspoken! (Review Out Soon!) Part 1: A Tale of a Girl and her Talking Bracelet.

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26 thoughts on “Trying Out Forspoken! (Review Out Soon!) Part 1: A Tale of a Girl and her Talking Bracelet.”

  1. A tale from a ๐Ÿญ from NY who does not have filings, when the ltl die I drop tears ๐Ÿ˜ข and look at the main character she was like ๐Ÿ˜‘ watchdog all over again ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿผ

  2. Nice, I've been waiting for AJ to review this one. I endured like 3 hours of cringe before I just couldn't take it anymore. I have never been so bored in a video game before, and I'm someone who is easily entertained.

  3. you guys are saints as 1hr and 40 min in and already over the constant banter from cuff (wonder if there is a way to disable it in the options), open world although nice the emptiness reminds me of fallout76 in just how empty it feels. Lol I think about fallout 4 as at least they gave you a minigun to start with here it's like here's a pistol good luck. I understand the whole have to move the storyline forward, but really wouldn't it have made more sense to show off all the elements of combat in a less aggressive environment then give you the option to run away and come back after you'd leveled a bit. Would've given more impression of free open world and decision making


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