Try New things

Are you failing at something today?

As we age our thought patterns are like the tracks you make when you ski down a mountain over an over on that same track .

As much as you try to go off that track…you seem to always return to it because the track is too deep and prominent.

Trying new things is often like fresh powder on the slope.

Getting out of your comfort is a real thing and it is healthy.

Trying just one new thing can have positive effects on other aspects of your life.

If you are not failing at something…you are probably not trying anything new.

Growth comes from being scared but doing it anyway.

People fear failure because of overactive egos. You need to quiet your ego.

Just remember this saying…
– When I was 20 I cared what my peers thought about me.
– When I was 40 I stopped caring what my peers thought about me.
– When I was 60 I realized they weren’t thinking about me in the first place.

There is beauty in struggle.

The gym I used to go to in NYC used to have a saying …”Think Less, Do More”

Thom and I talk more on this topic…

#takeabreath #mpn #mergedanalytics

Thom Stallings MergedAnalytics LLC


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