Trump Live | Donald Trump's Speech At Iowa Rally LIVE | Trump Iowa Rally | Trump Speech | N18L

Trump Live | Donald Trump’s Speech At Iowa Rally LIVE | Trump Iowa Rally | Trump Speech | N18L

DISCLAIMER: This video may contain allegations that are factually questionable or cannot be independently confirmed by CNN News18.


Former President Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis head into their respective Iowa campaign events on Saturday eyeing different objectives that reflect their drastically different standings in the GOP primary.

Trump, who enjoys a commanding polling lead over the rest of the Republican field both in Iowa and nationally, is expected to ramp up his criticism of and deploy new attacks against President Joe Biden in a speech in Cedar Rapids, according to a senior Trump campaign aide.

DeSantis, meanwhile, heads to the Hawkeye State looking for a jolt to his lagging campaign as he tries to fend off a recent surge by former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and close the wide gap between him and Trump heading into the final few weeks before the caucuses.

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36 thoughts on “Trump Live | Donald Trump's Speech At Iowa Rally LIVE | Trump Iowa Rally | Trump Speech | N18L”

  1. Thank goodness, No Golden Shower and Hooker Stories today. The GREAT Robert De NIROs statement was accurate and this CHUMP attacked him on his Truth Anti Social. Like he does with everyone, what a Cowardly CHUMP, gets other people to do his dirty work, Jan 6, sits back and drinks expensive Wine and Watches. How many times has he done this??

  2. CNN only interviews GOP members who have become NEGATIVE toward Trump. ONLY those. And then CNN has the audacity to criticize FOX because they emphasize the POSITIVE feelings of GOP members. CNN gives interviews to ONLY negative BIG HEADS on their shows, too.

  3. "We are a nation that is allowing Iran to build a massive Nuclear Weapon"
    He left off the part where HE pulled the US out of a perfectly Functioning JCPOA which then enabled Iran to begin again enriching uranium for a Nuclear Weapon. They were following the JCPOA. We had inspectors onsite. Trump killed it.
    Donald J. Trump killed the JCPOA.
    If course, he did this ONLY because it was a deal Brokered by Barack Obama!

  4. President received 74 million votes, Joe Biden "received" 81 million votes. That's 155 million votes.

    There are 133 million registered voters in The US. Where did that extra 22 million votes come from!

  5. Don't trust polls. Desantis is going to CRUSH Trump in Iowa. I'm sure Trump will say it was rigged. I will vote for Trump and do think that he got ripped off but time to move on. He is a great entertainer but NOT good when it comes to governing and being a TEAM player .. to destroy administrative state to you need to be ready on DAY ONE. Desantis is a lawyer and understands how to get the JOB DONE!!

  6. Ahhhhh, those Ultra-Super-Duper-Mega-MAGA big brains… They just love their "big red buttons". They sit like chicks with their beaks open in their nests… waiting for Papa to bring them little treats like "big red button", "Pocahontas", "drill" and "wall"… and then they scream and cheer as if they were at a wrestling match, instead of a political rally. The rest of the time, when they aren't hearing their favourite catchphrases, they are completely silent because they have no idea what Papa is droning on about. Laughable… and dangerous.

    YeeeHaaaa UnterMagAmerica!

  7. If you want to lose democracy in the US this is your guy. If you would like to be able to still have a constitution and laws and elections – for the love of God – vote for anyone else. If possible vote for Joe Biden. The election was not crooked, Joe Biden won and Trump is a criminal. Whether he goes to jail or not. I hope this country stays a democracy so I'll be voting blue.


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