‘Truly weird’: Australia silent while UK set to call China a national security threat

The Australian’s Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan says it’s “truly weird” how Australia has remained silent while the United Kingdom is set to call China a threat to national security.

Both Britain and the United States have accused China of committing global cyber attacks targeting politicians, journalists, academics and millions of voters.

“You’re getting a more frank, honest, meaningful, detailed discussion of Indo-Pacific security out of London than you’re getting out of Canberra,” he told Sky News Australia host Peta Credlin.

“I’m a bit of a fan of Penny Wong but she made a speech at the ASEAN conference in which she talked about the threats to maritime security but didn’t mention China by name.

“Now then in her press conference with Wang Yi, she did outline Australia’s disagreements with China, but she’s the only one, the Prime Minister doesn’t do it, the Defence Minister doesn’t do it.”


48 thoughts on “‘Truly weird’: Australia silent while UK set to call China a national security threat”

  1. Sunak days are numbered, he has to gain votes thru Chinese bashing.
    He is using similar excuses opposition is undermining British democracy, after losing series of by-elections in recent days.

  2. The warnings are their Labor has to go their lack of concern is inviting the wrong sort of attention. Albo doesn't want to upset China as it would spoil his rare win ie the wine tariff removal.

  3. Nice to hear that appeasement to China doesn't work unless they are dealing with fools.
    Neville Chamberlain showed us how to deal with a totalitarian bully.
    Labor/Greens have contempt for the security of Australians on many fronts.
    Yet, the defense and security of Australia and its citizens should be their absolute primary concern, and not kowtowing to the Emperor.

  4. It is just a perception that CCP is aggressive but through out history the chinese has been taught not to take something that doesn't belong to you. That's basically the teaching of Confucianism. Don't be a lapdog of Uncle Sam for such ally can be deadly… 😊😊😊😊❤❤

  5. I am highly disturbed by Australia’s Labour Government being submissive towards the PRC.
    How can Australia possibly remain a part of the Alliance with the US??

  6. So is it strange to you if someone has a more realistic view of the world? If some one wants to trade with me , I won't call them a threat. I know some of us like to think that America is the best, cia is their friends and they only tap your phone because they want to make sure that you sleep well at night. I personally know enough to smell the BS. Uk is in the Sh*tty creeks without the paddle right now, abit hard to inspire. When was the last time they had not echoed America rhetoric ? Abit of a shame for a once powerful empire if you're asked

  7. Poor SKY News (Murdoch mouthpiece) just gotta go along with UK/US! You want war with China you better make sure all our manufacturing in China gets back to Australia first! Everything from nuts and bolts to washing machines etc. will be scarce otherwise!

  8. Hello, commentator. You accused China for the cyber attacks on Uk,NZ and Australia based in the UK reports. How can you be certain that they are telling the truth? After all, they had lied before that led to may dead’s and suffering, for the sake of pleasing the US master at every step and in every part of the world.

    If you’re so cocksure, the minimum at least, you must have read those reports yourselves, but did you???

    Or are you merely trying to appease your master or, because you hate China like you dislike Penny as she ain’t White?

    Please keep you personal agendas away from public discussions .

  9. Already remember. China never invaded any countries, but the America does; who alway used human right and democracy as a smoke screen to achieve their aim. The Chinese just want to coexist with others peacefully for mutual benefits. Unfortunately the rise of China from strength to strength threaten the hegemony of the Americans. The Americans see it as a disaster on themselves , if they lose the hegemony. The Americans can no longer print money anyhow they want without any consequences. Therefore the Americans went all out to manufacture misinformation on China, like the urghurs genocide, HongKong democracy etc..and mobilise its Allies to curb the rise of china , and stop them from pursuing advanced technological know how. And if Allies don’t follow, the Americans will pressure them. Unfortunately , the best brains on technology were mainly of Chinese origins today, even in America, which explained why the Americans will never be able to stop the Chinese to pursue advanced technology. It is interesting to see who will ultimately prevailed. Many will get hurt in the process ; for those who stand on the wrong side will get hurt more. It is smarter to stay neutral when the giants fight out,


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