True Alpha super-duper hearing power?

“I’m a true Alpha. You have no idea what I can do.” Actually, after a hundred episodes and numerous interviews with the guy that created the Teen Wolf TV show, I have a pretty good idea just what Scott McCall can do AND what he most definitely can’t do.

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29 thoughts on “True Alpha super-duper hearing power?”

  1. You know Scott low-key could know, maybe not in that season, but after the series finishes he did take lessons from deucalion about using his senses to the max to see and hear and feel what he couldn't if he uses his eyes.

  2. I mean you can actually tell how far away something is with sonar because that's actually how sonar works, not only that but some blind people, almost all bats, and all dolphins actually can hear where someone or something is it's called echo location, and if normal blind people can learn how to I'm sure Scott can, infact he did in last season the "demon wolf" taught him how to do it soooo at that point in season 3 no, no he couldn't but now he might be able to tell if someone is using their wolf hearing we don't know because he hasn't done it but that doesn't mean he can't

  3. It's funny how they listened in on the conversation he had with stiles anyway… Scott didn't even know they did. Like him being an alpha his strength, healing and whatnot would be obviously improved but improved to the point where he can tell where other wolves are using their hearing??? EXCUSE ME?

  4. For some reason people say Scott is a chosen one it annoys me I have a friend who does the same thing but all true alpha means is just the way of being an alpha and all I want to know tbh about teen wolf is if the beast took an alpha spark how bad would things be I know he did not need to be an alpha to be more powerful but would the beast have an army of betas behind him or would he still just kill everyone

  5. He was clearly lying
    The twins only belived him because he is a True alpha and don't know what a True alpha is capable of bacause they are rare. True alpha are actually no different from alpha who stole their status they have same abilities

  6. I never thought much of that line. It was obvious he was lying, just taking advantage of the fact that people don't know much about true Alphas and the fact that the twins are not that bright.

  7. I completely agree with you but just for fun, theoretically is it possible that he could specifically hear his own sound waves of him talking bouncing off Aidan or Ethan’s ear drum??


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