Trudeau – immune to consequence or accountability.

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34 thoughts on “Trudeau – immune to consequence or accountability.”

  1. The “ new” Speaker is a fraud and a liar! Ethics isn’t necessary to be the speaker of the house apparently. Also he has no idea about American history.. he claimed that the North Virginia Battle Flag represents slavery. That is 100% incorrect!! These clowns are more uneducated than one thinks.

  2. No Trudeau, or any distant relative of a Trudeau, should ever be allowed to hold any political office. That family is a parasite that has no interest in Canada and must be removed

  3. That is a great idea for the conservatives to call a no confidence vote in parliament and then watch the liberals, ndp , bloc , try and defend the Trudeau liberals and then vote against the motion . These rats would be caught in the same trap .

  4. Canadian Politics has always been corrupt and rotten to its very core , it only took an ego as large as Trudeau's to expose it all
    The only reason anyone knows about SNC , is because JWR has integrity , and would not play ball , but if you think Politicians in the past have not , you are fooling yourself

  5. The size of the corruption will come to light when these people are out. Once they have 0 control of the narrative, then investigation can begin. And if there has been corruption as much as I personally believe has occurred then those responsible can be held to account. The vail is slowing being lifted, and we will see whom is connected to which. Being in power to long lends itself to not remembering who you represent and starts to look like a dictatorship. The feeling of being untouchable becomes greater, the feeling of I'm the only one who can lead becomes feverish. This is a danger not just with individuals but with those groups of people. Remember 1937 – 45. This has similar attributes, and to put a Nazi in an honorary position in our house is inexcusable by any standard. Nothing like cheering your ancestry? Let's do the right thing in histories eye and remove these people from any type of power. Their judgment in the atrocities of the past is quite clear and doesn't in any shape or form represent Canadian values. So we must ask the question whose values are they representing exactly. Those answers will become self-evident. Have a happy Thanksgiving weekend, everyone. Peace ✌️ from Canada, eh.

  6. Maybe today he is but when he gets the boot a lot of dirt is going to surface and that’s when his smug arrogance will get discovered and his world will start to collapse around him, I believe it’s called that Indian word KARMA

  7. Do you remember saying you supported Mass Illegal Migration of Refugees and immigrants Flooding into MY country 🤔 Do you still feel that way or would you feel more comfortable back in Ireland where Irish born citizens and their families that have been there for multiple generations are now a minority in their own country! You WON'T respond because you're a Hypocrite! As a Canadian born citizen of Irish decent on Both sides of my family I'm disappointed in your comment a few months ago about supporting Mass Illegal Flooding of Refugees into the country I WAS BORN IN! And for the record I would NEVER wish that scenario on my ancestors green emerald island.

  8. a review of the powers the PMO has would be an excellent lesson for your readers.

    Essentially anyone elected into the PMO has the ability to circumvent parliamentary processes and do things like evoking the War Measures Act without accountability. The power creep into that office over the past 20 years is scary.


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