Troublemaker Training: What You Need to Know About Project 2025

Have you heard about Project 2025? It is the far-right extremists’ vision for America and the plan that Trump will implement if he wins in November. It is frighteningly anti-democratic and goes against what the vast majority of Americans want for our country. Join our panel of experts to get educated on the impact it would have on our families and communities and let’s start sharing this important information with our friends and family. Understanding Project 2025 is crucial to safeguarding our democracy and rights.

Red Wine & Blue is a community of diverse suburban women working together to defeat extremism, one friend at a time. Join us



3 thoughts on “Troublemaker Training: What You Need to Know About Project 2025”

  1. It's depressing to look at the comments here, and see that almost a day later there is only one comment. I hope that isn't representative of the interest in this. It will severely impact me, and it might even make it impossible for me to live.
    I am severely disabled, and am bed bound, but I would like to find a way to do something to help. I'm not sure what that would be though. I have no living family, so about the only people I ever see are my care aides and my nurse. I therefore have no one I can talk with about it. I already write my Congressmen and my state's legislators, but I usually get turned away as they are all Republicans. In my state legislature district it's been thirty years since a Democrat even ran. I live in the state's capitol city, but even here the Democratic Party doesn't even have an office open. There is one in the state's largest city, but it is running on a skeleton staff.
    I am a product of the public schools, and I believe strongly in a high quality free and public education, but it is clear that the Republicans are not. They have now decided to talk half the money which was supposed to be for public schools and are giving it mostly to Christian schools. I don't have any living children, but I still believe in the public schools, and want them fully funded, which they currently are not. They are actually closing public schools in this city, even though the ones which exist are overcrowded.
    Enough complaining though. What can I do to help try to keep project 2025 other than simply voting?


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