Trouble maker || BL || ZackRiff

[ Somethings I didn’t specify in the video ]

Hugo’s headphones: the reason he’s always wearing them not just for the music, his dad gave those to him before he left and died.

Hugo’s dad left cuz he was in the military and was needed and he died when Hugo was 10 and Emmy was 3.

Also when Emmy introduced herself to Cory in the last scene it auto corrected to Lily idk why it did and I forgot to fix it.

Hugo set his ex’s car on fire sophomore year, thats when he found out is dad was dead cuz he wasn’t announced dead he was just missing for a few years and Hugo’s sophomore year he was told his dad was found dead.


Hugo: 17

Cory: 18

Emmy: 10

Luka: 21

Val: 16/17

Lindsay: 16

Jack/stolas: 17

Grace: 17


23 thoughts on “Trouble maker || BL || ZackRiff”

  1. OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!! I love this so much you’re so talented!!!!!! I have a video idea! What if you made a story where there’s these to boys and one likes the other, but the other one has a gf and is very dear to her. It makes the boy who has a crush on him upset because he knows that the girl has three other guys wrapped around her finger and whenever someone catches her she just says she’s poly even though she said out loud to her friends she’s faking it (she also always thinks that she’s the good guy.). Eventually the boy tries to move on but can’t really do that’s and the other guy is getting the hint that his gf is cheating on him so they both go to a party, get drunk, go home together and have an argument in the morning leading to the first boy accidentally revealing that the second guys gf is cheating on him. The first guys runs away and tears and the other confronts his gf while she’s with a dude that cough is not him. They argue she punches him in the face and they break up. Now, the first guys ignoring the other which leads to him getting angry, he tracks him down smmmoooccchhh they go on a few dates then they get together they get married and the ex gf rots in a dumpster! It’s just an idea but I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it if you would just take it into consideration! I love your content! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


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