Tropical Storm Ian shifts slightly west, with uncertain track

The 5 p.m. update from the National Hurricane Center Saturday showed Ian tracking west of the Tampa Bay area, but the storm was still too far away for predicting a path. NHC sails “uncertainty in the track forecast is higher than usual.” MORE:

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49 thoughts on “Tropical Storm Ian shifts slightly west, with uncertain track”

  1. I hope this turns out to be no more than a tropical storm. I am in an evacuation zone. Irma was a nightmare. You couldn't find a hotel from here to Georgia. People were living in their cars at the rest stations.

  2. I remember about 10 years ago we had a hurricane heading straight to Tampa, I packed my stuff and headed to my sister house in fort Myers trying to get away from the storm, guess what, the storm didn’t hit Tampa, the hurricane made a sharp turn towards fort Myers, what I’m trying to say is don’t trust the weather channel, only God knows where the storm is going to hit.

  3. As a Florida resident currently on travel, I really appreciate your detailed, no-nonsense broadcast. Local coverage is lacking and national coverage is well…if I can't say anything nice. My most sincere appreciation.

  4. It’s amazing when these things occur how much humans regress into base animal instincts. People become so hostile when it means covering their own asses lol. Especially with items like bottled water, batteries and ground coffee.

  5. So this is why the people are rushing to buy water and gasoline lol

    People get too crazy , thinking they can not drink anything other than water during a hurricane….

    The water is to bathe with if your power is out, i assure you , you can drink any normal drink during a hurricane.
    You could also fill something with water from your waterhose to bathe with if your power goes out for a few days.

    Entertainment is important too , maybe some cards , or a boardgame , amazing how boring it gets when the power is off and its raining outside

    Matter of a fact unless you flee , you dont need gasoline either , gas stations close for 1 day TOPs….but whatevs

  6. Our DeSoto county knows there is a hurricane own it's way, while, other schools are closing, our, schools are being selfish and staying open. For what? IDK
    Students need to be home with their families.

  7. Seen the hectic photos on Faux weather from God knows when and for any reason you can think of that claims people in Del Ray Beach are preparing. Seriously!? Why the hell are people nowhere near the eastern most point of the so called cone preparing for a tropical storm? Hundreds of miles away. Random pictures from a guy named Bryan Glazer who happens the have a YouTube channel with 10 followers. Weathermen can’t predict 12 hours into the future for weather. Why in the hell would you trust them for info on a storm that’s a thousand miles away? They do this almost every year, and every year I get to watch a bunch of cattle run out and spend money on garbage they don’t need. If you can’t trust one news network, what makes you think you can trust any of them?

  8. Wednesday is the biblical sabbath according to the crescent moon.

    Many in the East say it’s the biblical 7 th month but it’s actually, according to the spring barley harvest, the beginning of the 8th month and it’s a long sabbath of a couple days between the months.

    We all need to repent.

    May all in the path of this late hurricane be safe. Materialism isn’t of what is important but the lives of one another are what is important, Especially our eternal lives.

    Choose this day Whom you will serve because there’s only two tables. Choose one, we can’t continue in sin and think we sit at Our Messiahs table. He will spew out the lawless and lukewarm who haven’t truly repented.
    Also, YHWH’s Jupiter is close to the earth at this time also. The night sky is YHWH’s Torah scroll rolled out for us to see and know.
    He who has an ear let Him hear and truly repent. Hugs to all and keep in safety.


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