Trillion ISK Dread Brawl | Talking in Stations Weekend Report Apr. 03rd 2022

Host: Rahne
Guests: El Bee, Thomas Wilke
Engineer: Nick Bison

00:00 Sponsor
00:16 Introductions
01:40 Trillion ISK Dread Brawl and Southern Geopolitics
27:14 Other News
36:52 PLEX for Good Ukraine
44:09 April Fools, or maybe not?
48:40 Eve Meets
56:17 Proton UI
1:04:26 The end of Eve Mogul
1:13:22 Upcoming Events



9 thoughts on “Trillion ISK Dread Brawl | Talking in Stations Weekend Report Apr. 03rd 2022”

  1. muh floodplain, we're "looking for fights"
    meanwhile reality hits, and you run away as fast as you can.

    I mean, what's teh point in being in a huge null block if u don't throw your shit in the grinder ?

    Also Frat. in Goonsward ? Smooking skooma ?

  2. 4:30 Everyone is currently refilling their war chests and saving back up for the next big conflict. Right now the only thing going on is maneuvering and checking for soft spots and/or soft targets. The whole thing of people looking for "content" is just a lot of "on air" talk. There's nothing to it. What everyone is doing right now is looking for "easy wins". But some of these easy wins aren't happening, because everyone is calling their big brothers into the fight.

    I wouldn't put too much thought in being in a safe place when big brother comes into the fight. Sometimes big brother decides to jump on the small brother to keep them in line. Backstabbing is very common when things become truly heated. Sometimes the smaller "allied" Corp, gets gobbled up by the larger one, usually in any number of ways. Through attrition. Through conflict. Through lies and deceit. And there is some attrition, conflict and outright lies are happening right now, making that happen.

    Right now, alliances and allies are shifting. People are starting to dig in on their territory and build up or rebuild their forces after the last war. The last war, lasted for a year and a half almost? That took up a lot of resources., time, and manpower. Now if the wars are going to last that long ever again, your going to have to have quite a bit of resources saved up. Your going to need a large war chest. Now I heard a lot of talk of, if there is another war, it needs to be short and victorious. I think if anyone is a David Weber fan, you will have learned that wars aren't necessarily short or victorious.

    But after watching the shifting alliances and fights, there are new battle lines being drawn in EvE. Some players are hankering for another big huge war, and their just talking a lot of…garbage. I have to use the word garbage. Propaganda equates to garbage to me. And quite a few select players are just talking a lot of crap. It gets old.

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