Treyarch Did The Right Thing

When Should A Story End?

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They Did The Right Thing Ending Zombies
When Should A Storyline End?
When Should A Story End?

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30 thoughts on “Treyarch Did The Right Thing”

  1. I definitely feel like companies these days don’t know how to let a story end, Ubisoft & Activision are great examples of turning games into cash grabs with their popular titles, unlike 2KGames with the Bioshock Trilogy which ended on good terms.

  2. Arrependam-se de seus pecados,vão para Cristo,ele ama vocês mesmo vocês não amando ele. Creiam nele verdadeiramente para serem salvos e sigam-no

    Repent of your SINS, go to Christ, he loves you yourself not loving him. Believe in him truly to be saved and follow him

  3. I think in BO4 it should’ve ended where after they got their primis selves they went to fight doctor monty or doctor monty didn’t know what was happening and when they go back to the Great War they fight the apothican as but then teleport back to doctor monty to kill him

  4. I think a story has gone on too long when the characters are no longer growing. Often this happens in shows and then the writers instead of giving the characters more nuance, making them more human we go into a confusing arch. Whether that be time travel, or the character completely regresses from previous growth and makes an out of character decision to push the plot forward.
    Also if you reach a "Sanctuary" let your heroes be safe, let them live, instead of putting them through more tragedy. That is part of the reason why I really don't like anthology movies, where they bring back heroes we loved from the previous films, (Looking at StarWars, Terminator, and many other "Remakes") and ruin them by making them regress into shells of themselves. Let us have our heroes, give them their time, and then leave the story alone. Use the same universe, but move the timeline forward or go to a different location.

    TLDR: Don't ruin our characters through convolution or regression.

  5. Primis died to end all OTHER timelines not the true one and the true timeline indeed had zombies but I get what your saying and Jason wanted to change the cast for a while that’s why he killed them in b03 but ppl begged too much and we got them in b04

  6. Imaging someone would do a "amazing detailed you missed in Chaos Storyline" ? Chaos Story was build in the same detailed style like aether was after taking off. So much details which were to be adressed in future maps, which insane live to details storywise. Just think of the alchemic connections. I think they were up to build a even more interesting universe than aether was (saying that as a absolute fan since Kino). But than came the community of internet rants…like Twitter it is just toxic.

  7. I'm glad they integrated Chaos into the Dark aether story because at the Intel by the flogger trap in Vanguard Krafft mentions Allister Rhoades and I'm hoping they utilize Chaos more in cod 2024

  8. its true. assassins creed ended ezio's/altair's story by having ezio returning to a vault with altairs remains he peacefully died in that vault, altair i mean. i don't know what happened to ezio. as for treyarch killing off primis and ultimus was the right thing to do it spanded several games before coming to a conclusion.

  9. To be honest chaos failed only because they had two storylines going on at the same game with two different crews so it created a divide between the community. If chaos was given a full year of support to grow on us it would have helped them tremendously. I remember the victus crew was hated for the longest time and then all of a sudden people started to appreciate them.

  10. I would have to say sooner the rather storyline was killed off too early there’s a lot and still some plot holes never been solved we could have been having doc Monty as our final boss with all kinds off versions of the Margraws (sorry for mis spell)


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