Travellers Rest – Open World Sandbox Medieval Innkeeper RPG

Travellers Rest gameplay with Splat! Let’s Play Travellers Rest, and check out a game where you’ll mine, grow, brew, and serve your neighbors through a campaign of crafting and advancement.

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31 thoughts on “Travellers Rest – Open World Sandbox Medieval Innkeeper RPG”

  1. Makes me happy that you knew about Popcorn. I know he was on a show like Moonshiners so he gained a more nation wide fame that way. But he was fairly local to my area. 💖

  2. I hope no one is popping a squat in my dining room, haha.

    (IIRC, pop a squat means poop. Specifically, squatting in the woods or whatever while camping.)

  3. I have a male cat with three colors. Black white and gray patches. The vet also thought it was a female cat when we first took him in for a checkup.

  4. Tree don't respawn unless you plant them and it takes more than a day for the to grow to the full extent of their potential. Plants follow the same approach.
    Ores reset each day instead.

    Overall, it's better to have the tables close to the counter so you can monitor the table cleanness and that guest don't misbehave.

    It's a great little game that really has a chill mood and pace. You don't have targets to hit in a time limit, just choose what you want to do and work toward it without stress. No energy bullshit as well, you just need to go to bed when it's 2AM but during the day, do whatever you want to do.

    This game also have local coop, which makes it easier to manage the inn easier. As I said, great little gem overall.

  5. Inn Keep. Ive travelled a long way on this day. I was told there would be song to lift my spirits.

    But in seriousness thanks for covering this. Ive had my eye half and half on it for a while.

    Though dont lnow why but I was hoping for a song.

    Looking forward to the next one.

  6. thought you might think this is interesting, you where talking about tent city

    How much land is there

    there is over 295 billion 1/8 acres of land on this world, In canada and united states there are 23 billion 1/8 acres of land, so all the 8 billion people in the world could all go to canada and united states, all get 1/8 acre of land totally free that another is not using, away from any resources people need to live, there would still be an extra 15 billion 1/8 acres of public land left over, there would not be a human body anywhere else in the world, non in africa, south america, europe, china, russia etc… yet we are being lied to there is NOT enough land? oil? gas? electricity? food? water? etc…
    1/8 acre of land is 5445 sq ft, an average 2 bedroom condo is less than a 1000 sq ft, that can be built on 1/8 acre of land, people build on swamps, mountains, snow etc… add a 2000 sq. ft. greenhouse for nutrition, grow plants for free! There is still 2445 sq. ft. Left over, chickens, goat etc…? they can build anything their hearts desire. If people want they can move together, 1/8 acre next to another one or far away. free thermal heat, self-sufficient hydro, people can help each other create anything for free again. humans never have to act as a slave to something else. It’s better to show someone how to help themselves, then forced to act as a slave to another. look at all the homeless people dying, murder? all land and its resources is the gift that keeps on giving, to you and your child, that must always be free from debt. its only on your own land you have liberty and justice, live by your own laws, not a slave to an others rules. all ⅛ acres of land can be tracked on the written world map also with computer.
    in a town there is a piece of land that for over 20 yrs has had a fence/border/debt around it, destroying anything that could have creatively used it, so retarded.
    having what they need people naturally help each other! for free.
    imagine a spirit, has love, wisdom, and power, able to forgive and be free?
    avoid debt, the lie, be true and free.

    why do most people do what they do? politicians, artists, athletes, police, army, navy, air force, accountants, bankers, lawyers, drug dealers(legal and illegal) psychologists, criminals, doctors, strippers, secretaries, builders, thieves etc… for shelter and nutrition, especially for their child.
    imagine a spirit, has love, wisdom, and power, able to forgive and be free?
    avoid debt, the lie, be true and free.

    man and woman in condo(apartment)jail or with nature?
    in a condo; mortgage, condo fees, condo rules, hydro bills, gas bills, water bills, air bills? food bills, fear from bills/debt, hatred etc… corporate jail privilege to live.
    living with nature; land, fresh air, water, plants, fruit, vegetables, animals, shelter, sun light, water, hydro, fire, feelings, love etc… all free, the land of the free. right too live.
    imagine a spirit, has love, wisdom, and power, able to forgive and be free?
    avoid debt, the lie, be true and free.

  7. Hey splat I've got a question and I know this videos a day old so I did do about 10 minutes of Google before posting.

    Are these assets stolen from ConcernedApe? From what I can find, the developers of this game are in no way related to the creator of stardew valley. This game looks extremely similar to stardew and from the googling I have done, concerned ape hand drew all the sprites for stardew valley.

  8. The new developers for this game are the ones behind 'Between the stars' and I had an absolute blast with that title, so hopefully this one is just as fun.

  9. this looks great, but i kinda feel that if i want to run an inn/tavern, then I dont really want to worry about farming, gathering, crafting, etc. I think I'd rather order my materials and have a merchant deliver them and then i just focus on cooking and brewing


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