Trans competitor beats 13-year-old girl in NYC women’s skateboarding contest | New York Post

A 29-year-old transgender woman beat a 13-year-old girl to take home the top prize in a skateboarding contest in New York City, reigniting the debate over whether new inclusivity pushes create an unfair advantage in women’s sports.

Ricci Tres, from Los Angeles, who was born a man but now identifies as a woman, won the women’s division of the Boardr Open street skateboarding competition and a $500 prize, with 13-year-old Shiloh Catori, from Florida, coming in second and taking a $250 prize.

Four of the six finalists were under the age of 17, with the youngest being 10-year-old Juri Iikura, who came in fifth. At 29, Tres was the oldest contestant.

Tres is 838 in the Boardr Global Rankings, compared to Catori’s 133 ranking.

#transgender #athletes #sports

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45 thoughts on “Trans competitor beats 13-year-old girl in NYC women’s skateboarding contest | New York Post”

  1. He seems like a sweet soul, but there's something wrong with him mentally. To take pride in depriving female children their future memories of accomplishment goes to show their narcissism and how society is now encouraging this behavior.

  2. Neither male nor female, but the worst of both, in sports. Girls spend years preparing to compete for the top spot, then get bumped down a level. This is life changing disappointment. "Laces out, Dan"

  3. I support Trans women in every other way but competing in female sports when you've gone through male puberty is the only thing I cannot get behind. It is flat out unfair. Women have fought for sporting recognition for years and now we are getting f@#$ed again.
    Do whatever sport you want but don't compete in women's or a 3rd open category should be put in place.

  4. This is sad. Honestly what a pathetic human being. I bet he's feeling pretty manly pretending to be a girl and beating some kids. Who in their right mind would allow this to happen in the first place.

  5. Whyd you let ANY adults compete with children? And not automatically award the kids first? Is this your way of saying "transpeoples" are more important than children? I can't see any other message…

  6. Any chance we can do deeper studying if the parents of people who think this way? How does one become so delusional to think HE should compete against teenage girls?!?!

  7. Looks like the corporate misogynist, with the support of the left, are finally get their wish by pushing women out of sports and back into the kitchen, great job Red Bull. SMH

  8. Gonna dress different put on make up and erase the space between my legs and be the best girl pro ever!! Age is not the issue. The talent is always been more advanced with mens sport of any kind


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