Toxic War Thunder player Gets What he Deserves

Heres the short story of a toxic (common) war thunder player doing everything in his power to ruin my game. I may have been behind him, giving him support but blames me for his skill issue for not taking out a tiger 2 in a 8.7 game. Long story short, I some how mangaed to survive the game and feed him a fat nuke for dinner.

Was I in the wrong?

Thanks for watching!!


20 thoughts on “Toxic War Thunder player Gets What he Deserves”

  1. That dude is so petty.. Usually i just tell one of my buddies to drop a bomb on his bum. Just seeing the rage in the chat and the fanmail afterwards is always worth it

  2. be happy
    just cause i had a russian flag
    soem dumb shit kept ramming into me and eventually killed me with artillery
    not only i killed the whole team but he died with all of his tanks and lost money
    while i won money lmao

  3. Bro why do people feel the need to be so petty after something like that. Sure I've had people accidentally ram me while I'm lining up a shot but at most, I just give them a burst of 50cal and move on

  4. Ive had a guy try this on me, except i was in an is-6 and he was in a loght tank, couldn't push or pull me if he tried, silver lining: i had a teammate who watched this all go down and got nuke bomber and dropped the nuke on the guy trying to troll me shortly after i died, fun time

  5. i remember being teamkilled because i didn't have parts for my tank and couldn't help repair. I even said in chat I didn't have parts and he went in a plane and bombed me. I then got in a plane and shot him down.


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