Town Boards Are Good After 60 – New World

Join me in this New World video as we talk doing town board quests post 60.

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38 thoughts on “Town Boards Are Good After 60 – New World”

  1. I keep having leveling issues because I just can't stop myself from gathering..I'll start a quest and then along the way see some herbs or whatnot and go on a gathering tangent lol

  2. im doing townboard since beginning and im lv50, my smithing is now 100 but i still only get smithing stuff with iron ores …. i want quests for the workbench for bows and musket xD

  3. only took town baords till level 15 then skipped them now im level 60 zero skinning and all crafts etc farmed level 62-65 elites with friends are solo as loads of people their and now gear score all drops 578 have loads of 600 stuff but doesnt have stats for my spear and hatchet build..didnt see the point wasting my time crafting etc as never bought nothing and now have over 38k gold and dont intend to use trade so whats the point and the devs did say useing craft 600 gear will not make u get better drops

  4. hey m8 , i like so much your videos , just liek coz i'm father too , just liek i play that game too 😀 . and that main reason , becase you sepend so much time to give that info to us ! … question ? how you make it to be visible or yous that cape on you back? 😀

  5. I'm a new subscriber and I just want to say, I enjoy your content, you've given me some solid advice personally, and you have a really positive out look which I'm grateful for with all the hate that's been floating around. Thanks Demone and keep up the good work man.

  6. "This is a great way to level up all of your professions" … EXCEPT furnishing of course xD Furnishing is a boat load of even more resources than armor and weapon and als only 1/3 of xp per craft xD

  7. I have to be honest. It's amazing how Demone is always able to play the most garbage game of the moment xD.
    All that gacha game shit for retard people first, now this mmorpg with the most dumb economy/gathering system i ever saw. Where everything cost nothing in the shop cause everyone can mine or gather anything. Decent graphic but when you try to swim it's embarassing and terrible at the same time for a game in 2021.
    A note for people with a IQ >60: From now on, never play the same game of Demone.


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