Top Ten Wasted Video Game Designs

Waste not, want not.





41 thoughts on “Top Ten Wasted Video Game Designs”

  1. For Number 10 I think they don't utilize the unique Mario characters because they could run into the same problem Sega does with their Sonic characters where there'd be too many to keep track of and try to keep relevant and for Number 8 I think used they had FF characters because there was a lack of an original cast for Kingdom Hearts and they had to use them for both clout (honestly who expected a crossover between Disney and Final Fantasy to work) and to have some semblance of a cast

  2. Honestly, if you want to bring up bad Mega Man design, bring up the god damn yellow fucking devil. Seriously, a boss with terribly unforgiving attacks with a very small hurt box that is only available to be hit once per cycle (which cycles last like 10 seconds) and ends up being a 20 minute slog to die at the end and have to restart? Yeah fuck that guy… except they keep bringing him back! Seriously, I get they want MM1 representation, but why not something like copy mega man! That could have a lot of promise! But no, the yellow devils (and all his cousins) are the worst part of every single game they're in! Even Smash! Smash is not safe from the Yellow Devil being the LITERAL WORST! Words cannot express how much my heart sinks every time I realize I have to fight a devil… only for me to hope it might be decent and get hit with reality that this boring, unfair, and just annoying boss can never be more than a pain in the ass. Any game with a devil is immediately made worse for having him in it.

  3. Fun fact: if you look up the word "hypocrite" in the dictionary, there won't be a definition; instead, there's just a picture of a copy of Shadow the Hedgehog. I mean…it's appropriate, but…so weird… O.o

  4. Number 1 is actually more accurate placement than Logan himself gave it credit for. Unown isn't just a waste of a PokéDex slot, it's a waste of TWENTY EIGHT SLOTS. 28 equally useless versions of a single Pokémon. That coulda been used to create 14-28 better Pokémon.

  5. Unown was definitely the biggest waste in Pokemon, of potential, time, and pc box space.
    At least until bdsp happened and copied the original games note for note including the unfinished parts. Nothing* will make me more disappointed and angry

    *at least in terms of Nintendo properties

  6. On the Kingdom Heart statement, outside of the main trio of Mickey, Donald, and Goofy, the Disney characters aren't that important either. The story almost entirely focuses around the games' original characters.

  7. No weapon from TF2 frustrates me more than the Sharpened Volcano Fragment. It has no business looking this cool while being this useless in most scenarios.
    What's worse is that I'm pretty sure it's one of the reasons newer promotional weapons simply became reskins for already existing ones.
    Heck, I think they've never tried to change its stats and have consistently ignored it, leaving it sitting in the attic, collecting dust.

  8. -Shadow The Hedgehog sucks in particular because a lot of the non canon interpretations are a hell of a lot more interesting.
    Imagine Shadow as a puppet of Black Doom in the vein of a Frieza-like figure- Immensely powerful and devastating but ultimately in the service of an even greater universal threat.

  9. The red star from Super Mario Galaxy. It’s only used for 1 purple coin mission and can’t be used in actual levels. The one power up that grants flight in a game about intergalactic exploration and it’s locked to the hub world.

  10. Your #1 is indeed validated. Spoilers for it below.

    Unown has/had so much overwhelming potential in eerie implications and lore within the world and Game Freak had decided to just completely shit on our imaginations. This doesn’t help me either, considering Generation 2(specifically Crystal) is in my top three favorite games in the series. It’s infuriating how WASTED the potential of this thing is, and what makes it worse is that it has absolutely zero function that does anything worth something.

  11. I was surpsrised to see Toontown on the list, but it was a welcome one! Also, the thought that Kingdom Hearts could have had a team up with Kefka and Bill Cipher would have been sick, such wasted potential.

  12. World's End Club's gameplay.

    If you know, you know. If you don't:

    The game presents you with a cast of 12 characters, each based on a chinese zodiac sign, each with their own unique power. Cool, this will offer an interesting mechanic for solving puzzles in creative ways.

    Except that the game doesn't let you switch characters; most of the game you are stuck playing as "Monkey", with only short segments where the game automatically puts you in control of those characters to solve the problem of the current setpiece.

    🐀: Breathes fire after eating spicy cheetos
    🐂: Turns into a slow-moving metal ball that needs to gain momentum

    🐅: Uses a baseball bat to parry projectiles
    🐇: Becoming a ghost, but SHE IS UNPLAYABLE
    🐉: Transforms into a Power Ranger for a short while and shoots electricity
    🐍: Builds a walking Foot-Powered-Bomb (F-Bomb, for short; no, that's really what they call it)
    🐎: Punches a rock spike from the ground in front of him to kill enemies or parry projectiles
    🐒: Throws stuff
    🐓: Flips her own gravity
    🐕: Is aware of the player (yes, that's it; not to mention his segments boil down to being forced to move in just one direction)
    🐖: Remains static in one place to create a bubble-shield around her that, get this, PARRIES PROJECTILES

    And to add insult to injury, there are two segments back to back where the characters use their power on their own while you're stuck playing as the monkey. And those setpieces where the game lets you play as the other characters and are over quickly? Each character has, on avarage, only 2 playable set-pieces.

  13. I felt that last one… Sadly, I think after Pokémon went through its reboot back in Gen5, Game Freak decided it was too much trouble to put anymore thought into the Unown, which is why the world has its own language instead of one based off of the Unown like it used to… and for someone who is all about the lore, it kills me just to think about it.

  14. Loved this video… but let me tell you what's a WASTED opportunity Logan, Fawful's Minion

    How have YOU not come up with a fun rap song yet?!?! With your alliteration skills, humor, and writing we want, no, NEED a song from you.

  15. I have to say, this was… one of the most emotional videos I've seen from you in a while, and that's saying something given the heart and passion you always exude. I can find myself agreeing with every segment, whether it's a game I otherwise love, or one I've never played…

    Cancelling Toontown Online right before the finale, because of corporate greed of all things, is poetic, and not in the good way. It's just a relief that something, ANYTHING was salvaged from that.

    Useless Megaman weapons and Zelda items always sting, because they're the entire POINT of the respective games. It'd be like Metroid swapping out the Space Jump, Speed Booster and Plasma Beam for "Purple Missiles", which are just regular missiles that open purple doors (of which there are 3 in the entire ame)

    Shadow's story… oh, gods… I genuinely love Shadow the Hedgehog as a game. I even like the mission structure from a gameplay perspective. Only from a gameplay perspective. Trying to find any actual meaning in the story is useless. The only worthwhile thing in the cutscenes is watching Shadow do anything, and even then, he's drowned out by an alien starfish and an un-named heterochromic GUN Commander yelling about SA2's plot like they're drunkenly remembering it. It says something when the real-time fandub that was done purely to be stupid and ridiculous, still had a better and more coherent plot, using the EXACT SAME cutscenes.

    Balan… ugh… How did they design one of the BEST main characters imaginable and then waste him?

    And Unown… Unown to me represents one of Pokemon's biggest and worst flaws. Leaving it's own stories half-finished. Whether it's because Game Freak don't get the time they need, or whatever, it stings. So many questions that'll just never get answered. Will Ingo ever see Emmet again? Will Zygarde actually get to do something instead of being a cameo in every game he's ever been in? Will the Mythicals (aside from Arceus and Deoxys) EVER get to be explored and not just one-time events?
    We don't know, Game Freak can't tell us, and the Pokemon Company doesn't care. Unown is THIS close to being bigger than the sum of it's parts… it's SOOOOO close to being some big secret, some mystery, that allows us to uncover a super-ancient Pokemon, like how Regigigas was hidden in ORAS.
    But Unown never gets that. It gets alluded to with "oooh, the floating alphabetti spaghetti is so mysterious, what does it mean?" and going out of your way to document all 28 forms gets you… a few Pokeball stickers, a Nugget, a dex entry and 28 copies of Sunkern's Psychic-type cousin-in-law.

  16. Unown has only ever had one use for me ever:
    A filler fodder for Falkner’s Gym
    If I wanted to keep my actual team around the level cap and needed an EXP sponge, Unown hit hard enough to keep my team balanced
    But, yeah, why are GameFreak hyping this stupid alphabet soup with GODLY TIE INS?!

  17. I can't even begin to hope to understand what you wanted with Shadow the Hedgehog's alternate endings.

    Like… Did you want all of the alternate endings to be canon? That was never gonna gel with future entries to the franchise, and you know it! Especially not when they all leave Shadow, the world he inhabits, or both so much worse off than they were before.

    The whole point of the game was the simple truth that where you came from or why you were made is irrelevant- you are the only one who should define who and what you are.

    It's only the true ending where Shadow has this epiphany. all the other endings being the result of Shadow allowing himself to be gaslit so many ways to Sunday.

    But no, you say! screw the narrative, let's have Shadow's character arc be entirely defined by fan interpretations and headcanon!

    Blasphemous bean, you invite DEVILS to my people's lands!!

  18. The Unown are pretty much suggested to be the coding language for all of reality in the Pokemon world. The problem with them stems from essentially taking a single line of code, and asking it to do alone what the whole system it's meant to be a part of can do. That's just not gonna happen! Unown cannot function as individuals, they need to be part of a network in order to work to their fullest potential.

  19. Honestly I felt the same for Balan Wonderworld. The initial trailers made the game look fascinating, fun! I saw great promise from it and I was excited for it! But then you start playing, and… It did NOT live up to that initial excitement… I wasn't angry, I was disappointed, which frankly is worst…

  20. what if gamefreak decided to give Unknown some actual usage. Like, have a Villain capture the Unknown and use their powers to create their ultimate team.

    Going with how the 3rd Pokemon movie allowed them to create LITERAL MATTER ITSELF and even pokemon, what if by the time you storm the castle [Like N's castle but you battle grunts and even self-created opponents by the Unknown of powerful foes [Like Lance, Cynthia, Leon, Stephen, etc… or even evil villain leaders.] None of these are the real beings but fakes. Then the big bad uses the Unknown to create the ultimate Team. A team so powerful that it's almost "competitively trained" The Perfect Team, Defeating him/or her, would cause the Unknown to react hostile, and possibly create a legendary Pokemon [maybe even a copy of the Box legendary or even the third legendary or the opposite legendary. Defeating that would weaken the Unknown and cause the entire castle to start to vanish. The Villain would try one final time to stop you, but you the player get saved and escape on the back of the box legendary just as the entire castle vanishes from existence. The Villain never making it out and they are gone. Everything the Unknown created would vanish, except for the box legendary pokemon that the player is riding on.

    Easily, making the Unknown's power of creation as part of the plot of a game would help make them good. Unfortunately, that will never happen, unless fans decide to do something like this.


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