Let's Play: Bones of Halloween

While it may not aspire to much, it delivers decent play and variety for a budget price

To see the game’s profile page check out: https://www.nindiespotlight.com/game_profile.cfm?game=bones-of-halloween-switch

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2 thoughts on “Let's Play: Bones of Halloween”

  1. There are three major problems with this game, and all are based off baffling design decisions.

    1. Picking up weapons is waaaaaaay too difficult. You have skeletons matching your speed behind you almost immediately, and then you have to line yourself up to what seems like a 5 pixel spot where the Y button actually picks it up. Then by the time you have it lined up, oops! You’re dead. It would be way better game if you got guns simply by running over them, like virtually every FPS ever created.

    2. Coins disappear pretty quickly after you kill a skeleton. What is this, an 80s platformer?

    3. You find ammo and whatnot in the forest and have to buy it… from who, exactly?

    If they patched this to fix these problems it would be a pretty cool game. But considering they were design decisions I don’t expect them to ever do so. It’s a pity.


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