Top Five Biggest Threats to the Braves

The Braves are playing out of their minds. Who are the top five biggest threats to get in their way?

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36 thoughts on “Top Five Biggest Threats to the Braves”

  1. Top 5 threats to the Braves.
    1. Braves
    2. Braves
    3. Braves
    4. Braves
    5. Braves
    If they play bad someone can play up to them. If Atlanta plays well, not sure anyone can even push them to 7. If the Braves are hot there is nothing you can do.

  2. Sometimes the bigger threats are the teams who are hungry. Not the ones that been there before. Orioles have a real shot. They get so little love for leading the AL for over 2 months now.

    Don't forget about Tampa either.

  3. You other Braves fans are making me anxious and stressed out the way that you somehow think we're going to steamroll through the playoffs. DeRosa is right the Phillies are absolutely the biggest threat to the Braves not making it to the World Series

  4. Someone remind these folks the Braves are 7 and 3 vs the Phils with 3 left. If we take 2 of 3 at home, we go 9 and 4 on the year. I think they should be more worried to see us vs the other way around. We play them well and match up well. The dodgers scare me way more even though we match up good there too. The Braves when on, are going to be a handful to deal with considering how dangerous the lineup 1-9 is. It's a scary lineup to pitch to. Period

  5. They have a pretty good track record against all of them this season. Only thing that can stop the Braves is the Braves themselves. Lack of consistency with their pitching will be their only downfall.

  6. People are ignoring the fact the Braves pitching blew huge leads late in the previous series and won two games in extra innings to a team they’re leading by like 12 games. They’re a great team but they are not unbeatable. Blowing 6 run leads cannot happen in the postseason I don’t care if you win or lose those games. With no runner on second base the Braves may not win those games. The home team essentially has to swing for the fences down one run. It’s not worth wearing down a bullpen in the regular season to keep going over 10 innings for the home team.

  7. Philly is so difficult to beat at home, yet the Braves just took three of four, and also have the best away record in baseball. No team is getting more shine from losing the world series than these Phillies and it's kind of hilarious

  8. The biggest threat to Atlanta is bad health as we saw last year. Philly is good but they played a team with no Ozzie, still recovering Acuña, Fried dealing with stomach flu effects, and lastly Strider was on the IL for a month and made no rehab start….we rushed him back and kept him in too long against Philly out of desperation. Again that’s wasn’t Philadelphia’s fault last year that was our issue. When the team is healthy, they can take the best shot from Philly and walk away victorious. The games are going to be close because we’re divisional rivals and know each other well but ATL is deeper and better. Philly would have swept all of the trash to average teams, won the series 3/4 against above average teams, and split with the BMores, Astros, Dodgers. Atlanta is a team built to withstand hot teams this year.

  9. The Phillies have 2 SPs that are good but that's it. Their lineup is not powerful enough to outlast the Braves in a 5-7 game series. Their pen is good enough though. Atlanta is just a much better all around team with better coaching 💯


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