Top 9 Insane Sightings by Astronauts in Space: UFOs, Aliens and More!

Today, we will look at some of the most bizarre incidents that astronauts have experienced while on
space. And you don’t have to believe all of them, but keep an open mind, because like I said, Space
is strange and there is so much that we don’t know about it.

#alien #ufo #nasa

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37 thoughts on “Top 9 Insane Sightings by Astronauts in Space: UFOs, Aliens and More!”

  1. i once saw a video of a radio transmission….it say just what you say it…i remember…''its huge,,what is that ? what is that…'' im trying to find this video but i cant find anymore on youtube….if someone find it, please reply to this coment…please

  2. Ok… the Chinese man that “heard someone knocking on his ship” heard his ship popping here and there as he went to and from the dark side and light side and the temperature varied wildly during transit…

  3. Matthew 3:2  Repent ye:for the kingdom of heaven is at hand
    JESUS is coming soon!

    John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily I say unto thee, Except a man be BORN AGAIN, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

  4. By far the two most important statements by astronauts on this issue come from Mercury Astronaut Gordon Cooper… who clearly stated that he had actually personally supervised the filming of a UFO landing at Edwards Air Force base, had the film developed and sent it up his chain of command never to be seen again. The second is from Apollo 14 astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell who also personally told the world that he had been briefed on the existence of UFO's and that many were indeed extraterrestrial in nature and that contact had been established and also on the fact that the Roswell incident actually happened and a craft and alien bodies were recovered. (I believe that part of this briefing was recorded in the Wilson memo… a copy of which was found in Mitchell's estate… for those that wish to research). Both of these great Americans were not 'mistaken', 'deluded' or lying and have given the world unimpeachable testimony which may be considered without doubt as the truth. You will see comments on this thread from a man named James Oberg who is full time professional NASA debunker, and who has basically accused both of these men of lying. We therefore respectfully suggest that you make your own judgement on this individuals stance, but also suggest that you ignore any comments he makes. One way or the other Disclosure is coming.. and soon now…. when people like him will be exposed for what they really are.


  5. My favorite quote from the TV show The X-Files
    Deep Throat:
    Mister Mulder, why are those like yourself, who believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life on this Earth, not dissuaded by all the evidence to the contrary?
    Because, all the evidence to the contrary is not entirely dissuasive.
    Deep Throat:
    They're here, aren't they?
    Deep Throat:
    Mister Mulder, they've been here for a long, long time.

  6. It is without doubt that humans are only alone on Earth with other species but are on the top of intelligent life on earth,till it is proven beyond doubt others are watching the earth zoo of life,we are still alone till they walk amongst others on Our planet we call earth,

  7. They also found Chuck Norris floating through space at low orbit sticking up his middle finger and slugging back a beer 🍺 while at the same time … Impossible enough… Crushing two empty beer cans🍺 off the side of his head!

  8. After seeing ufos here and there throughout the years, in all different sizes and usually with witnesses, I can only assume at least some of them have been living here for millions of years. They're very good at cloaking themselves.
    When you suddenly find yourself before one, you know that it knows, you know. It's completely freaky but not scary at least so far.

  9. They are pretty much everywhere, I just saw one and rebuked it: GOD did not create aliens, they are demons or nephilim just like bigfoot, ghosts, black eyed kids etc. Please listen to L.A. Marzulli on the alien deception of the end times!

    Born again Christians have to authority to rebuke them in the name of our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST – this is the reason why true Christians never get abducted by so called "ufo's"

    How to become born again: thank our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST for paying for your sins on the cross and HIS resurrection on the 3rd day!!! It must come form the bottom of your heart and don't forget, JESUS is GOD, see John 1! Read the Bible and listen to real theologians like Dr. John Ankerberg.

  10. I like how the video starts off by the automated voice telling us we don’t have to believe all the stories. Also love how the video’s title mentions “sightings” and the first goddamn story is about “knocking sounds” 🤣 I fucking HATE people

  11. Shares lot smarter buy commodities its just started a ten year cycle also invest in nickel or lithium mines the world is converting to electric cars …. Crypto is a scoop it up scam !!!!


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