Top 5 Most Powerful Survivor Duos

Discussing the Top 5 Most Powerful Duos in Survivor history. Honorable mention to Bob and his bowtie from Gabon. If you’d like …


35 thoughts on “Top 5 Most Powerful Survivor Duos”

  1. Malcom and Denise I'd give them an honorable mention too.
    For me, Rob and Amber have yet to be topped. They dominated the first returnee season and get married by the end of it. So it's basically the only season with 2 winners.

  2. It’s crazy to me that people can say that Boston Rob and Amber was just a solo performance from Rob when Amber WON – people more people didn’t want Rob to win than did, and yet people think he could’ve done it without her??? Be so real right now

  3. Powerful duos to add to honorable mentions:

    Jesse and Cody in 43, Denise and Malcolm in Philippines, Tyson and Gervase in BvW, Parv and Russell in HvV, Aubry and Michele [and Cydney] in Kaoh Rong, Yul and Ozzy in Cook Islands,

  4. Timestamps:

    5) Todd & Amanda (S15 China): 0:29
    4) JT & Stephen (S18 Tocantins): 2:15
    3) Parvati & Amanda (S16 Micronesia FvF ) 3:33
    2) Domenick & Wendell (S36 Ghost Island) 6:32
    Honorableish mentions: Tina & Colby (S2 Outback) Dawn & Cochran (S26 Caramoan)
    Why Sarah and Tony (for WaW) did not Make the List: 9:30
    1) (As if you had to guess) Rob & Amber (S8 All Stars): 10:04

    THANK YOU Peridiam as always. Needed my survivor fix!! Love your vids as always.

  5. So happy to see someone else with this take on Amanda (and made in a much cooler way than I would have)! It drives me crazy that everyone underrates her but that is exactly her superpower so I shouldn't be surprised hahaha.

    It then infuriates me because the jury realizes at the end that they underestimated her, and they get mad at her for their own misperceptions. She definitely doesn't do herself any favors but I would actually compare her FTC performances to Tony's. His may have been a little better but he was way too apologetic in Cagayn just like Amanda in China, and he did a terrible job talking up his own game in Winners just like Amanda in Micronesia. He even cried after eliminating Sara just like Amanda with Cirie, but people liked when he did it and thought Amanda was being fake when she did it.

  6. Just an idea for a strategy talk video. Is it better to be the good cop or the bad cop? Rich wins as the bad cop Amber wins as the good cop. Parvity wins as the bad cop. Wendell wins as the good cop

  7. So to be a top duo, they both need to make it to the end, and they need to not be in trouble. In the future you will probably never see this again because the power couples are broken up as soon as possible. I could see maybe a returnee season where people had a relationship before, but probably not a newbee season.

    For all of the people saying Jesse and Cody, Jesse turned on Cody and Jesse didn't make final 3. And as far as Carolyn and Yam Yam, I think Carson was far more instrumental in them making it to the end.

  8. I feel like neleh and paschal deserve some discussion. If the cutoff is duos that made final 2, the only reason they didn’t make that was the totally random rock draw vote taking paschal out (if he didn’t leave here, vecepia is eliminated next and assuming neleh still wins the final elimination she 100% brings paschal. I also think there’s an argument to be made that they never fully understood/weaponized their power, but they did functionally set the standard for any future underdog plays


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