Top 30 SUPER SCARY Horror Games of 2023 And Beyond

The horror game renaissance continues with several downright terrifying titles slated to release this year and long after. Whether it’s a sandbox survival horror, an infected village, the unknown depths of the human mind or space, there’s something to scare everyone.

Let’s take a look at 30 horror games of 2023 and beyond.


30 thoughts on “Top 30 SUPER SCARY Horror Games of 2023 And Beyond”

  1. The real horror of 2023 is Forspoken.
    Whoever bought it must be truly terrified with the decision.
    Even I didn't expect anything good about the game, didn't bought it, but everything I see about it scares me.

  2. So hyped for silent hill 2 and f
    Re4 and every dark pictures game
    I’m playing re4 right now(started a new game so I could try find all treasures and maybe 100%)
    And I’ve also played every dark pictures game except little hope because that one was bad

  3. Never understood the need for a game to change based on my decisions throughout the game. What do I care if my experience is different than that of other players? Let everybody have the same experience, but make that experience awesome.


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