TOP 20 FUSIONS of ALL TIME | Raid Shadow Legends

RAID Shadow Legends | Drafting the Best Fusions of All Time!
SAPH & ASH Dragonhei YTr:

Today Skratch and I will draft ALL fusions, excluding Vault Keeper! Enjoy!

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38 thoughts on “TOP 20 FUSIONS of ALL TIME | Raid Shadow Legends”

  1. Hope you all enjoyed the collab! Also, it should be noted that we did this draft before either of us got our hands on Vault Keeper Wixwell… would you put him in your personal top 20???

  2. ”what happened to tormin?” Sheep happened 😂 at least high end. Gold V doesnt so much but if i watch other play high end and most of time there is only polymorph

  3. Thanks for the discussion. Hellicath was my first fusion attempt, but failed on the summoning events. Huge bummer.

    I'm surprised Brogni was rated lower than Ankora, Hurnig and Rotos. They seem great (don't have them) but prior to Wixwell, wasn't Brogni the only shield growth champion, allowing for some unique team comps?

    Lonatharil is a good callout. I hate him, but I know he's better than I give him credit for.

    I don't regret going for Zinogre as a collection champ, but went in with eyes wide open that she probably wasn't going to be that great.

    Dreng was my first successful fusion, and my first burner. Game changer for my account. Advanced so much. Right up there with Arbiter, Marichka, Cardiel, and Krisk for supercharging my team. As I've gotten more champs his use rate has fallen off, even as a burner, but he's in my hall of fame.

    Gnishak helped me so much in Doom Tower. Not just for Bommel, but for waves as well, since bombs let me skip bringing a defense down champ. With Armanz, the rat king has fallen off a little, but still relevant in Bommel and certain fights. Arena too when I run into stoneskin.

  4. Hey Ash, when you do these type of videos is it possible to have a poll so the viewers can choose who had the better picks? I am curios of what everyone thinks and do not want to read everyone's comments 😅. Regardless, love your vid's bro!

  5. Ok, so I have had an idea pop up, not the first time during videos, how about easier fusions to catch up …
    With resources, food, books, masteries…
    Power creep…new players, retention ect.
    To take a break…
    Epic fusions, and even rare fusions maybe alternate like shards…
    Rare, epic, legendary, and at some point mythical only cause it's coming

  6. I love Mighty Ukko, and I have a 6 star blessing on him. My only gripe on his kit is that his A2 is on a 4 turn cool down. Wish it was on a 3 turn and he would be more viable for Hydra, although he is on one of my hydra teams. Gotta have master hexer on him and hope the block buffs gets on for 3 turns. I also use Uugo, and Umbral Enchantress for block buffs.

    Pythion, Supreme Elhain and Armanz are the only 3 fusions ive done.

  7. Skratch is an absolute G for picking Oella. Most underrated legendary in the game by far. Mostly due to the fact that she has so many good supports in her faction but she is soooo good. One of my favorite champs

  8. Biggest snub imo was Islin. Id take him over Kreela every day of the week and twice on Sundays. He's an unkillable machine that can only die in hydra by being eaten if built right. Awesome in so many other areas of the game too. otherwise, the rest of the list was fair enough imo.

  9. I don’t get how Gnishak Verminlord can be so low in your list!

    I don’t have all the fusion that you picked (my first fusion was Gnut but I got a few previous from shards and guaranteed champions) but I would put him far above Ankora (if without Narses), Zinogre, Rotos and Tormin that I have.

    Actually, Blizaar brought more to my account than all of them together (but I might be biased by the fact that I randomly opened a 6 stars blessing for him).

  10. the points needed to complete events and tournaments is too high not to mention fusions u miss a day u usually out of the running unless u got the shards to cover the gap at the old end i left raid got too grindy for me personaly instead of always complaining about raid i left raid abt 5 months back and never look back altho hurndig was my fav fusion i still love ur vids ash

  11. Some leggos are very good, lonatharil was my first leggo pull when I started playing almost 2 years ago … but I don't know if I would've considered him "good enough" to go for the fusion … only fusion I've done is armanz, but 2 guys i would rank in top 3 with him is gnut & pythion – I regret not going for them, gishnak as well … I love astralon for the aoe stun and use him almost everywhere for dmg & control … and helicath was my #1 hated guy to face before sun wu kong

  12. Razelvarg!! That's my #1. He took me to my first UNM 1-key. Pythion and Gnut are tied for #2. Gnut + Raz took me to my first 100mil UNM key. But of the two, I can use Razelvarg literally everywhere. That Raid year in review thing had Raz as my most used champ and #2 isn't even close if I am being real. I think Emic is my #3. Lonatharil was huge early on in my account and is one of my favorites. He was my only counter to UDK for the longest time (I could outlast UDK with Bolster and destroy his HP) and helped me crack arena gold. It's cool to see my favorites make the list.

  13. Ash great job dude! Thank you for your efforts and the good and entertaining content! I have a question. Do you think the will ever get a buff that you could spawn other champions (briefly or under conditions of course)?? What do you think of this type of a buff?

  14. So I did 9 fusions and have 5 from you. From Ash Armanz, Ukko, Tormin, Pythion, and Maulie. And 4 from Skratch Gnut, Emic, Razelvarg, and Ankora. Almost messed up my count because Ukko is double listed for both picks at 35:06 instead of Oella. I also got Blizzaar and yeah thank goodness because he can solo a lot of content.


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