Life Aboard… The System Deep Space Vehicle – The Liberator | Spaceship Breakdown #Blakes7

Join us as we look into what life would be like aboard the guerrilla warrior’s dream ship, The Liberator!

In a future where humanity has spread itself amongst the stars, only to be dominated by an oppressive and frankly psychotic Terran Federation, it doesn’t take a hero to see the need to escape t o the stars. For the majority of the population not dosed with an array of sedatives and designer drugs designed to make you more compliant, a trip off world will likely mean a trip on board a Federation starship to some outer colony to mine raw materials, if you live long enough to get there anyway.

But deep in the void, another force grows in strength and curiosity. The computer-enthralled subjects of The System, and their fleet of highly advanced spaceships. One such craft was known as Deep Space Vehicle 2, a ship alien in concept, and even more alien in design. Ownership of such a vessel may just have the influence and power to turn the tide against humanity’s oppressors.. but what would it be like to live there?

All clips taken from Blake’s 7 (plus some Star Trek TNG).

For all thinks Blake’s 7, get yourself over to Horizon, the official Blake’s 7 fan club right ruddy here:

Likewise, order yourself a technical manual here:

Written, presented and hosted by Adam Tyler
Music from Epidemic Sound, Production Crate et al.

tomgon3d (Wireframe 3D animation) –


Life Aboard is a series dedicated to examining what it would be like to live, work and serve aboard some of science fiction’s most notorious spaceships. Forget the laser cannons, the made up technobabble and let’s ask ourselves what the important questions are – how’s breakfast, and where do I sleep?


21 thoughts on “Life Aboard… The System Deep Space Vehicle – The Liberator | Spaceship Breakdown #Blakes7”

  1. What is the source of the schematics (at 4:59) that show the flight deck as literally being the Millennium Falcon? 😂 Obviously someone did that as a joke. But was that ALWAYS part of the floor plan? or added in more recently?

  2. @Spaced Out Great Video! I had just finished rewatching Blakes 7 after … Oh Lord when did the BBC last show the series???

    And I am going to echo @noakj006 – If you are a Sci-Fi Fan … This is a must watch! Sure it shows its age, People like to bemoan the OG Star Wars Darth Vader vs Obi-Wan lightsabre battle as two men whacking sticks together… It looks like a masterpiece compared to some of the Fight Choreography in Blakes…

    … But despite the limitations, The Story holds up so well! So well in fact that many others have done the same story… After all, Blakes 7 is THE MAGNIFICENT 7 In Space!!! And even the Late Paul Darrow (Kerr Avon) said that Serenity / Firefly were this generations Blakes 7. (And sadly suffered a Similar fate being cancelled far too soon!)

    I would rather have a Great Written Adventure with Dodgy Effects than a Drawn Out Hollywood Blockbuster with the Best CGI can offer but NO STORY (Any Michael Bay Transformers after the first 2…) anyday!

  3. OK! I am going great guns here and going to make a request… And Yes I am Subscribing TOO!

    A Childish one… But fun none the less! As someone mentioned the late Gerry Anderson, Why Not? His back catalogue has many fascinating Ships from the Thunderbirds to… TERRAHAWKS!

    I wonder if you can guess which I want to see a breakdown of??? LOL!

  4. Avon was a massive loser and couldn't admit it to himself, even after destroying the Liberator. Most episodes appear to be a Federation/Servalan trap but in the hopes of a quick snog, he walks straight into it. His death must have been a blessed relief for all concerned. Although as one commentator pointed out somewhere else, he probably took half an hour to fall to the floor as he was riddled and pummelled with plasma bullets.

  5. Loved the show loved the Actors grew up watching the show. Of course it was made at the time on a shoestring. What do you expect it was the BBC biguideers no money spent on practical effects but it was of its time still really enjoy It even some of the way out scripts . I had the great pleasure in meeting some of the actors several times even though I stayed up in Aberdeen Scotland like the Arthur who played Avon He was my favourite of course. Ruby nice actor in persand others very generous was his time when he met fansuddenly. Couldn't have been easy Living such a well known face for so many years. My sympathies go out to his family and friends I would just like to say really nice man Face-to-face. Thank you for all the hard work you put in to make this video much appreciated . Keep on doing the good work. Thank you.!!!!

  6. Very enjoyable video. Everything really hinges on Se2Ep1 to help explain who the The System are and why they might have built DSV2 but it still does not make much sense. Nothing about The System suggest that they would want to dress up to engage with other civilisations, especially as (based on the clothes themselves) those civilisations might include those who worship Alvin Stardust and Carol Chell from Playschool. I do quite enjoy B7 fashion, if I am honest. The future? well, its tabards basically, all the way (so we have that to look forward to, unless you a hospital radiographer in which case, I guess, you are already halfway there, even if your ones happen to be lead lined). As for The Liberator the script hints at a concept that the design cannot effectively realise; it is biomorphic, its controls meld in some way with the crew, it is like a living organism. Unfortunately what you see on screen is mostly Fablon and repurposed Anglepoise lamps (as the "flight controls") so I don't think that ever really comes across. Zen looks like the light show in one of those late 70s provincial discotheques that had names like "Napoleon's" or "Le Jardin". Somehow, despite it all, B7 is a joy and it all takes place somehow much more in the viewers head than on screen. Among the best SF performances and script ever.

    Didn't see how long it was before I started playing but once I got into it, I didn't care1 Nlow there's some high praise for a video.
    Looks like everyone else noticed that the flight deck was the Millennium Falcon and I loved the "it is green" clip from Next Gen. Brilliant work all round!
    I pitched a Series 5 to Terry Nation, not long after the end of Series 4 (that he encouraged me to submit to BBC) and it would have included a new Liberator-style ship. Those plots keep bouncing around in my head. With the way AI animation is going, maybe I can find somewhere that I can just input my scripts & plots and have it give back something to watch! LOL


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