Top 10 Stories About Dad

Top 10 stories about dad:
1. My Dad is the World’s Greediest Billionaire and We Live on a Tree House
2. My Dad is a Cruise Ship Captain and I Live There For a Year
3. My Dad Bought An Island, Where Only We Live
4. My Dad Is a Janitor, But I Pretend That I’m the Daughter of a Wealthy Businessman
5. I Go to School Where the Principal Is My Father
6. My Mother Hid the Fact that I Was the Daughter Of a Billionaire All My Life
7. Dad Threw Me Into the Sea. Animated Story about Sharks
8. Dad Does Not Allow Me to Dance. Animated story about unfairness
9. My Dad Says I’m Adopted, Even Though I Look Just Like Him
10. My Dad is in the Same Class as Me


15 thoughts on “Top 10 Stories About Dad”

  1. Hey guys, there is a story in either Ukrainian or Russian in the middle of the compilation. Thought you would like to know. It would be cool if we could get subtitles for it instead of you either deleting it or keeping it in and doing nothing. I don’t remember that story, so I really want to know what happened. Love the new compilations. They are taking me back to good times ❤

  2. I don’t judge before walking in their shoes. You should always tell the truth. You should tell your dad to tell the truth. You should be grateful for what you have. You should be grateful for what dad you have.

  3. The first story is so weird because the dad claims he’s all about health but he keeps his family in terrible living conditions despite having the money to live a healthy happy life


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