Top 10 Games that Should be in the Board Game Geek Top 10

Tom Vasel, Camilla Cleghorn, and Chris Yi take a look at their top 10 games that they feel should be among the highest rated games on

0:00 Intro

11:39 Chris
13:44 Camilla
16:07 Tom

17:58 Chris
19:56 Camilla
22:11 Tom

24:50 Chris
27:55 Camilla
30:31 Tom

32:57 Chris
35:16 Camilla
36:53 Tom

39:21 Chris
41:20 Camilla
44:52 Tom

46:24 Chris
48:08 Camilla
50:32 Tom

53:16 Chris
55:33 Camilla
58:05 Tom

1:00:28 Chris
1:03:23 Camilla
1:05:33 Tom

1:08:26 Chris
1:10:54 Camilla
1:12:43 Tom

1:14:21 Chris
1:17:10 Camilla
1:19:23 Tom

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46 thoughts on “Top 10 Games that Should be in the Board Game Geek Top 10”

  1. In my eyes Quacks is too long for what the game is. I have never understood people's fascination with it. It's a 6/10 for me, but I understand why someone would argue it should be in the top 10 of BGG because of how highly regarded it is within the hobby.

  2. Tom's point about Gloomhaven vs Azul and how people rate gates low vs not playing them at all is pretty great.

    Not to say Gloomhaven isn't great, but it being so huge and unapproachable and a very obvious "you know if you're looking for a game like this, or not" type experience, while also being great, probably lends it a great deal of protection from being dragged away from the top spot.

  3. The music analogies to explain the games were so on point and descriptive it was amazing. Also despite what people have been saying I really liked the top ten on under represented light games and highlighting mechanics that are well executed.

  4. My gateway games which got me into the hobby which were not mentioned here are still my favorites and would have been in my top 10! Star Realms, Onitama, Century Golem Edition, Sushi Go, Kanagawa, and Exploding Kittens were the first gateway games for me and now I would add the more complex big box games; Betrayal at Baldur's Gate , Everdell, and Anhk: God of Egypt!

  5. Love the show. Love the Idea of this list. Love you Tom for mentioning Go (GOBANG is different though). My favorite board game of all time by a light year. That's why my top 10 always has to start with ELEVEN. I'd consider Carcassonne and Everdell as well. And Star Realms. Thanks for the video

  6. Ticket to ride better than Azul? Not even close. Is it just me or were Tom's picks kinda trash. Which is funny because he was trashing on Camilla's picks the whole time. All three lists were pretty strange imo.

  7. 51:19 I'm into board games for a few years now, have ~80 games in my collection from simplest like Patchwork or Red7 to Terra Mystica and Stronghold and I'm always the first in line for Codenames for a party game with 6..8 people. I've played this with numerous groups and it was always a blast. Just a solid easy pick for me.

  8. Tom's picks (Magic, Dominion and Go) are more about being historical milestones of board gaming.

    Magic & Dominion ->There are better / more streamelined versions for the genres those games invented out there.
    In regards to Go – not even 1 in 5 people enjoys abstract strategic games.

  9. Ive found Destinies a horrible game. Set up is awful, trying to find the characters to immediately remove them becuase something irrelevant, removing tokens that do nothing in the board because you have them in the app. Flipping tiles that do not reveal anything. Maybe I just don't get it.

  10. Every time Dominion is brought up, everyone says "There's better deck builders out there"… And then they proceed to fail to list those "better deck builders". Yeah, sure, there's games that have deck building elements, but you can't say you don't like Dominion because Dune: Imperium is better.

  11. Caverna is sooo much better than Agricola. It's the same for us, we have never played Agricola since we got Caverna. And a funny thing, after last game night, we were discussing which of Viticulture (with expansions) and Caverna (with Forgotten Folks) is better. We sort of leaned towards Caverna, it stands up very well.
    I also really like the choice of Root. I love how it changed how we play so many other games. As an example, we tried to figure out house rules to encourage players to not attack whoever was weakest in Scythe. After playing Root a lot, this just isn't an issue anymore in Scythe. People bash the leader because strategically it makes sense. But before Root, we played so much euros, that everyone was just so used to keeping their eyes on their own board, that we often lost track of the wider picture. And it took a game of kingsmaking, leader-bashing, and semi-poor faction balance for us to realize just how much better games can be if they hand over a lot of the balance in the hands of the players.
    Blitzkrieg! is also a really really great and fast 2-player game. Everyone can play after a 5 min intro, and everyone will immediately wanna play again.

  12. I would love to see a list where they replace each of the BGG top 10 with a game they like better that is in a similar category. For example, if I were doing it,Terraforming Mars is an engine builder, and I would say I like Fantastic Factories (another engine builder) better.


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