Was the Virus Engineered by the Government? – KnoxTalk Radio Knox Event Theories

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Project Zomboid is an open-world isometric survival horror video game in development by British and Canadian independent developer The Indie Stone. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic, zombie-infested world where the player is challenged to survive for as long as possible before inevitably dying.

ā€˜Til Death Us Do Part was a story included in Project Zomboid as its own game mode. It served as the tutorial to introduce new players to the basic concepts of Project Zomboid, like base fortification, scavenging, and fending off hostile undead and survivors.

In 2013, ā€˜Til Death Us Do Part was removed from the game, along with NPC survivors, with the release of version RC 2.9, due to NPCs being far too buggy. The Indie Stone did not abandon the story and have stated they still have big plans for NPCs and the story of Bob and Kate.


26 thoughts on “Was the Virus Engineered by the Government? – KnoxTalk Radio Knox Event Theories”

  1. Its the spiffos new burgers….Its in the meat beacuse it, started when they started making those burgers…my theory Is thats disease from animals that have diffrent effect on humans making them mindless undead freaks

  2. I think that the governments was trying to create a burger that would rival and beat spiffo as spiffo ended up having more money then the government and basically ran the country. However, they hired Walter white to create the best burger ever. He then put too much meth into the burger which when eaten gives the human an adrenaline rush and start eating other people

  3. I think they may have been test MK ultra or something similar down there. (For reference, MK ULTRA was a cia project to try to control minds). The timing lines up, it was reduced in scope in '64 (about 30 years before the start of the game) which could mean there was an accident or something happened due to the testing that they buried down in Kentucky and it got loose…maybe. or maybe it was let loose

  4. What I love about these theory broadcasts is you hear all different types of peoples theories on how the outbreak started, some blame the government and the politicians because they never trusted them to begin with, some blame a force beyond our understanding pointing to a meteor shower, yet in reality, everyone who is on this show has no idea of the true cause and nature, they are grasping at straws, trying to fill gaps in their knowledge to justify what and why this is happening , while also speaking it allowed to affirm to themselves their own dispositions. Yet all it proves to those listening is that no one know what's going on or even the full extent of the outbreak. Even if you choose to accept those theories you know deep down you will probably never know anything substantial about the outbreaks true origins and nature and that's what scares you, your character the most, especially when you hear the broadcasts that relay what's actually going on outside and inside the exclusion zone and how its spreading, and how those in power whose who have the facilities to maybe get the full scope of the situation and counter it, and possibly even make a cure are losing. Which only goes to shatter the only hope the player has left , that those in power are in control of the situation, that others don't have to suffer through the hell you find yourself trapped in, that the government, humanity as a whole has the power and the means to overcome this virus and reclaim the exclusion zone freeing you from this hell.

    Tldr: I love the way the devs use these broadcasts to show how people tend to bridge their gaps of knowledge in order to feel like they have the answers to big questions in order to feel some sense of control and security, however as the outbreak continues the control they want to feel over the virus slowly disappears as despair sets in slowly but surely. And the truth that is undeniable to all those involved is that this may really be the end and I am powerless to stop it.

  5. Since this game devs want the game to be as believable and realistic as possible, consider this : That army guy is right, in the real world they couldn't even help people stuck in hurricane katrina for 2 weeks, for a situation that they understood! how the fuck could they make a perimeter around an entire county so fast without advance warning of what was taking place? The logistics don't add up on that.

  6. My personal theory is that what happen was the following:
    1- goverment decide to experiment/discover a new type of virus in secret, in one of their many confidential experiment facilitys in the area, in order to see how would affect humans, they decide to experiment in dogs and probaly another rural animals of the area, this in order to see if it has any kind of military application or it can be used as a bioweapon for the future or who knows what they were planning
    2-due to the virus having limited range of infection because fo the saliva transmision, they decide to made the virus airbone in order to make it easy to spread. Or in other case, was a result of their experiments with the patogen, since it seems that the air strain can't infect everyone and some seem to have a natural resistance to the virus.
    3- one of the specimen (most likely a dog due to the implications ingame), escape from one of the facility, spreading the airbone strain in the air in the process. Later this one contaminated air being moved by the wind though the county, explaining the bad smell people complained.
    3.5-military realize what happen and quickly gets involve, block the area and decide to kill all the dogs and possible animal carriers as precaution in case the virus spread more. While also trying to keep order
    4-Because of virus begining to spread though the population, due to a Mutation the virus receive or maybe the original strain taking action, this gain a new chance that let it infect everyone though bites and wounds. Much like rabbies, making people who were inmune, subsectible to the virus
    5-The military fails to contain it because only a small percent of it is inmune to the air version, while the rest possibly gof infected with the air strain or overrun by the infected, either by the population or even in the inside by another members without inmunity in their ranks.
    6-People who leave the knox county during/before the event and maybe some military who leave during the pulling out of the county, leave either infected or carrying things with presence of the virus on them, and due to the incubation time of the virus, this one manage to get in another parts of the world. Spreading it more.
    7-The virus now can't be contained, even if a small percent of the population is inmune to the air strain, they will quickly get overrun by the other non inmune percent and became infected with the new one who spreads though bites and wounds.
    8-The goverment falls apart and now everyone is on their own.

    (Sorry if my English is trash, it's not my mother language.)

  7. I think that if it was engineered that the random chance people survive was also engineered to either solve overpopulation or to create stronger genes and I think if they go with the engineered story that the survivors will have a big role

  8. Personally, I think the virus is a combination of all the theories fans created.

    To start, the army was testing chemicals in Vietnam causing a stench to fill the air which infected cows. When the cows were made into hamburger, they were shipped to Spiffos which escalated the infection rate. As for the "act of god theory," there is a lot of religious symbols in Knox County yet preachers and churches are often packed with zombies. In the main menu, the woman singing says "haram" which is Arabic for ''forbidden'' so perhaps it's not the god Knox worships.

  9. i think the goverment made the virus and infected the people in kentucky to have a reason to justify idk, an invation to a country in the middle east or maybe it was just a way to get a better reputation maybe they used prisioners sentenced to death to infect people, that would explain the odor before the outbreak, then the goverment got involved and made the exclution zone, after days of trying to contain the infection the goverment decided to close the borders and distroy and distroy all the bridges connecting to other states, that explains the barricades in the borders

  10. "It can't be done in days."
    Correct, but the smell, and thus the leak, was for the last two weeks before day 1. The gov know they screwed up and let it loose from their research facility near the prison, and then they scrambled for two weeks to get the men and barricades to lock everyone in, then that in turn gets breached a few days later (the snipers didn't hold it for long, then the troops keep getting pushed back and infected). Yet, dogs and people had already spread it further north beyond the "smell". As the fighting amps up, people are also dropping from the flu version and being left to just die, get up, and keep chasing the refugees.

    The rapid spread overseas is not clear though, it seems the WHO changes to travel were not quick enough, or it moves truly quickly through the air, animal populations, and across the seas.

    The lore in this game is cool though.


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