Top 10 Concerning UFO Evidence That Will Make You A Believer

Top 10 Concerning UFO Evidence That Will Make You A Believer
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UFOs are one of the most mysterious subjects on the planet and if you’re interested in learning more about them, then stick around for some info. We’ll discuss some of the most concerning evidence that points to the existence of UFOs, and whether or not you should believe in them. Let’s get into the Top 10 Concerning UFO Evidence That Will Make You A Believer.

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Time Codes:
0:00 Project Grudge Report 13
11:49 Levelland
21:51 Apollo 11
32:53 Flatwoods Monster
44:20 Alien Abduction
54:33 Belgian UFO Wave

Channel Producer:
Landon Dowlatsingh-

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Hosted By:
Olivia Kosolofski:
Taylor McWatters:
Kennedy Ledingham:
Madi Mayhew:
Adam Andrews:
Emily Murray:

Edited By:
Jennire Narvaez:

For Business Inquiries Contact: [email protected]


39 thoughts on “Top 10 Concerning UFO Evidence That Will Make You A Believer”

  1. I love these videos but I just wish the narrators didnt repeat the same stories 😒 if u cut out those repetitive parts the videos would b shorter but SO MUCH BETTER!! They would also probably get more likes🤷🏽‍♀️👍🏼

  2. When in the Navy on board a cable laying and cable repair ship, the whole ship of personal that was working outside on deck repairing a cable, saw a extremely bright like just above the water surface. This light was not close enough to tell what it was, but it was brighter than a searchlight. Because the cable being worked on had a top secret classification, the ship's captain was instructed to immediately drop the cable back into the ocean and pursue the light. We heard from others that the light did not show up on radar. I do not know how fast our ship could travel but we never gained any ground on the light and it suddenly just disappeared. The story being told was that it was considered and unidentified flying object.

  3. Anyone who's seen the pictures of the officer (I forget his name) holding up the weather balloon pieces in Roswell remembers the look of "This isn't what I saw" on his face.
    He's not confused.
    He knows what the pieces in his hands are.
    He DIDN'T know what the recovered pieces were.

  4. Leuk gedaan om alle belangrijke UFO gebeurtenissen op een rij te zetten. Echter wel een opmerking van mijn kant op 5.53 waar je verteld over een snelheid van 3000 Mph gelijk aan een Fighter-jet, dit is niet niet zo een Fighter haalt deze snelheid niet. Misschien experimentele toestellen ,aar niet de hedendaagse jagers.


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