Top 10 Anticipated Games of 2023

Top 10 Anticipated Games of 2023

Is it just me or has Kickstarter singlehandedly killed a lot of hype and excitement for upcoming games? Publishers won’t announce anything any more unless it’s on Kickstarter and by the time you get your game fulfilled, you’ve fogotten you ordered it.

But there has to be SOMETHING I’m excited for right? I guess!



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One single batchelor from the UK talking about his passion for board games and the people who play them! I support small content creators, board game cafes and go against the status quo when it comes to the board game industry. I give my honest opinions without bias towards any publishers or designers and will not hold back if I don’t like a game.

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00:00 – Introduction and KIENDA Promo
01:10 – Opening Thoughts
04:24 – No 10
07:13 – No 9
09:30 – No 8
12:02 – No 7
14:43 – No 6
17:39 – No 5
19:46 – No 4
22:56 – No 3
25:46 – No 2
29:24 – No 1
33:37 – Concluding Thoughts
37:53 – Please Share and Support The Show

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Full credit to BoardGameGeek and its members for any images used that aren’t my own or part of the publisher press kit.


32 thoughts on “Top 10 Anticipated Games of 2023”

  1. Hi Luke, nice list. I so hope Stellaris is great. You are correct – they don't keep in touch much during the campaign. And also Sleeping God's: Distant Skies. Can't wait to get and play it. I also want 7th Citadelle to be good. On "Distant Skies" — do you think I will be able to take that crew and the new mechanics to go back to the original game for a better and easier continued play (just using the shipboard instead whatever plane-board there will be)? As a follow solo-player I found 9 characters plus Gloria too many of a crew.

  2. I came into this knowing that it was going to be Scholars. My wife and I are addicted to the latest one. It's such an intense brain burner in a nice little 60 to 90 minutes. It's giving us that feeling of playing a medium medium heavy game without hte hundreds of pieces

  3. Top ten lists that are full of kickstarters annoy me too, as (1) of course the backer was excited for the game (otherwise, why back it?) but (2) that excitement isn’t based on any real evidence, just hope (or hype), (2) there is no reason for ME to share in that excitement (if I backed the same game, chances are I felt the same, and if I didn’t then I clearly did not feel the same), (3) feelings might well have changed in the (typically 18 months) gap before delivery, and (4) frankly you get a better package from an established publisher who needs to sell not to 5,000 exciteable fans on the internet but 5 bitter and cynical buyers from the distributors and largest retail representatives. As your example with Arnak proves.

    Mentioning a Kickstarter game as your first game in the video that you’re looking forward to might have dented the credibility so what, though!

    FWVLIW, I’m really looking forward to one KS I backed, don’t much care about the rest, and don’t really know what’s coming to retail well enough to care about them one way or the other. I know about a Beyond The Sun expansion, so I’m looking forward to that, and a Heat expansions, so I’m REALLY looking forward to that, but as for the rest we'll see when they get here.

  4. Great list. FLOE is one I am also expecting to be an interesting mid-weight. I have found out lately that I enjoy mid-weight games A LOT more than heavy games. Sometimes the fun-time invested ratio is just better with mid-weights 🤣

  5. I loved Evolve. Played it solidly for about three years. The main issue was the difficulty curve and at launch the balancing was a bit off and it could sometimes feel like a running simulator if the monster was good at keeping one step ahead.

  6. The one game that I have been looking forward to is not on your list: Keep the Heroes Out, mainly for the theme. After seeing your list, I can also look forward to Floe and possibly Earth.

  7. Wayfarers is great. I think it's Shem & Sam's best game yet. So can't wait for Scholars and hoping it arrives this year.
    I own all the North and West content, so always up for more from Shem & Sam.
    Excited that they are also redoing Shipwrights, and maybe we'll get more for Explorers. One can dream.
    You're crazy though to think Paladins and Explorers are the weak ones in their series. 🙂 Shipwrights and Viscounts are the two weak ones of the series.

  8. I agree about the Kickstarters. I'm starting to think it's worth waiting for a reprint or expansion, because if a game is good enough, it will have an expansion or reprint.
    There are also quite a few good retail releases also.

  9. I honestly think we're exiting the golden age of board gaming. It feels like rising shipping prices & production costs are now beginning to price out the market, and designers are having to scale back the scope of their games to have any success. Hopefully this isn't the case, but the next few years will be interesting

  10. Definitely expansions are something to look forward to. Just recently went through my collection and thought about a couple of games I wish had expansions announced to either give me more content or fix some issues with games I like but have much more potential.

  11. Paladins if my favorite Garphil game by far. Architects is 2nd and i find Viscounts just doesnt suit me at all. i dont table any of them enough to grab any in the South Tigris series despite really enjoying my favorites from the West Kingdom.

    Voidfall and Warpgate: Beyond will be the 4x games i have in my collection. 4x isnt really a genre i want in a board game but one is from Mindclash (yes im a fanboy lol) and the other is supposed to quicker and somewhat unique in how its done.

    Forsaken and Lords of Ragnarok are likely the two im most excited about. we will see if some others surprise me along the way like Legacy of Yu once it hits retail

  12. I feel your pain with the Kickstarter backing. It's such a huge pool of games and almost impossible to know which projects to back. I will be launching a game this year, and I won't do it until the manufacturer has sent me a perfect prototype, so we can jump right in after the campaign.


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