Tom Taylor vs 8 Overpowered Marvel + DC #shorts

The Process of my videos/How I make My videos
I Animates Picture
I make 9 of my animation merege into single screen
I used Black Stroke text
I Edit Them
I Apply HDR CC
I Animated them to moves characters
I used images png multiple times
Then i need a green screen,which is also multiple times overlayed to make Character images into movement animation
The Video is exported in ultra 4K

Song Credit


46 thoughts on “Tom Taylor vs 8 Overpowered Marvel + DC #shorts”

  1. Lucifer, Overvoid, Presence, Toaa, Toba, Toba Hulk, Beyonder, Beyond Spiderman, God emperor doom, Astral Regulator Thanos, Elaine Belloc, Living Tribunal, Cosmic Ghostrider, Mephisto, Cas, World Forger, Anti Monitor, Thor fused with Eternity, Death, Spectre, Gop Thor, Pol Spiderman, Doomsday Clock Dr Manhatten, Silver Surfer, Odin, Gorr the God butcher, Black Priest Strange, Nabu Dr Fate, House of M Scarlet witch, Hotu Thanos, Beyonder Realm Beyonder, Phoenix Force, The Writer

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