Titanforge Podcast 181 – 10.1.5's Augmentation Situation & TGP

M+ Title Site: https://mplus-title.vercel.app/df-season-2

Clips of the week: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1872856301?t=0h59m21s

0:00 10.1.5’s Impact on the Game
49:00 Tip of the Week
54:00 TGP
1:09:00 Patreon Thanks
1:13:00 Q&A

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Music: Take a Chance by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4457-take-a-chance
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/


42 thoughts on “Titanforge Podcast 181 – 10.1.5's Augmentation Situation & TGP”

  1. For both shaman and Hunter – their raid buff would be to provide a raid buff from another class/ spec. Yet it’s just one buff for all shamans in the raid . Meaning you couldn’t stack the entire raid with shamans and have all the raid buffs. They pick one – and that’s it

  2. i think that how they should manage augmentation on dps meters is to have augs contribution still show up on other players dps but for it to be separated so players can see how much aug contributed to them, but there should also be a different metric alltogether for support that adds together all the numerical values for support roles. so you would have a dps meter a healing meter and a support meter. that way players can see how supports helped them but it still shows as their dps. then support gets a meter to itself so they can judge how well they are playing . i think it would make everyone involved happy.

  3. I love this.

    Intro: the top 366 M+ run all have an augmenter evoker and 4/5 of the same class

    15 min after intro: I think the M+ balance is pretty close!

    make up your mind, will you?

  4. WW Monk should be retinkered. The gameplay is awesome, but the fact that secondary stats on you are so weak that your DPS sims the same with and without rings is an unacceptable travesty.

  5. I think it is worth noting here that at the same time as the Aug Evoker launch we have had:
    1. Two of the easiest Affix weeks for Tyrannical and Fortified
    2. Mage Rework that also gave us mass barrier on top of everything else
    3. Bear and Holy Paladin changes that pushed them further as meta specs

    On top of those things, my team who usually will do like 22 or 23s by the end of a season of M+ is also:
    1. Playing around CDs better because you are forced into that when playing with an Aug Evoker, As in. Our comm's around who is using them and when is actually a thing for us now.
    2. Actively using Defensive CDs throughout the dungeon more. Like I know this is an obvious thing to do to improve, but I think a lot of people would pull more conservatively on trash and have All Healing CDs and Defensives up for hard bosses since those can be walls for the team. Where as now, with Evoker Rally and Zephyr we are more cognizant of pulling around defensives now too.

    So I think these improvements for a team like ours is more than just numbers tuning on just an Aug Evoker. For top in teams, obviously the effective health and defensives make things that weren't survivable before, Actually survivable

  6. The extra dps spec beyond the Aug and Spriest is interchangeable. Mages probably deserve a bit more of a nerf, but as soon as they do that it will just be something else in that slot and still a fixed comp.
    The things that need to be fixed is the Aug and Spriest.

  7. Why does everyone keep claiming that all recent class reworks have resulted in big gains, warlock slipped your mind? Warlock just had big 10.1.5 reworks on aff and demo, and a smaller rework on destro.. They got no extra utility, damage gains were negligible – warlock got reworked and went backwards in terms of competitiveness in m+.

  8. All the idiots claiming prot paladin was still OP after the nerf they got before s2 started (they would simply outgear it again towards the end of the season). Now look where they're at now 😀

  9. I'm a much more casual player than the hosts so a lot of your concerns go way over my head but I am thoroughly enjoying Avoker (I main Pres but as Trell alluded to I super enjoy the lower pressure gameplay). I am very much hoping that the long term solution is to move to a 1 supp/2 dps role in keys. As for the short term it is really tough. Avoker is balanced at my level of play as if one dps isn't performing well it drags the avoker down and if one of them dies its a huge loss. I imagine at higher levels sub-par dps and unnecessary deaths are just not an issue at all. Honestly concerned about how Blizz addresses what's clearly a problem at the upper end of things because I dont think I've ever enjoyed keys as much as I do in game right now.

  10. I think bear tree is great and actually has interesting choices but the problem is those choices are in the first 2 segments. It's possible to drop after the wildfire and get more defensives. It's also possible to take the slow which is nuts, dream is situationally great, you can drop ravage if you want an extra point. I love it a lot. Unfortunately the last segment of talents is locked in and that sucks but honestly I'm ok with that because of the variability earlier on in the tree

  11. aug is support it should keep the utility and lose a lot of dmg. it's way better when there is more than one comp that works. the sooner a new support spec comes out the better. at some point tho, do we need to retire some specs for the quality of the game?
    been in doti with a 410 prot warr and a 418 prot pala and they were getting deleted randomly by whatever, but 443 bear solo'd last 18% second boss and didnt die once the whole dungeon

  12. I'm a fan of the podcast, fan of Dratnos personally. So this does not come from a place of hate or being mean. But, I thoroughly enjoyed Trell not making it into the TGP after his "Race to world last" take about people who get CE casually. How dare some people enjoy a challenge without playing the game constantly! Still love ya Trell but shhhhheeeeeeesh

  13. It’s weird to me that they expanded the number of lust classes so more comps have access to that and they did the same thing with brez, but this new thing brings key benefits that are far and away better. I love my shaman utility, but it feels gross having to actually pick something with such niche usefulness as tremor and then this is just stupid powerful in all keys.

    Like mage gets mass barrier and it takes me an entire tree of choices to get stone skin totem? I can take decurse, but it’s not baseline? I get maybe having to choose poison cleansing, but be so for real.

  14. "Bring the Player, not the Class." 🤔🤔
    Yeah, I remember hearing this quote in not so distant past by someone standing in front of a large live audience at a Blizzcon…. 😑😑
    And then typical vocal minority started crying on forums about how all Classes and specs are homogenized and then Blizz decided to swing the bat into extreme opposite direction as they always tend to do with these changes.

  15. I think the whole commentary about is it good or bad if they bring in something so experimental in a .5 patch compared to a content release patch is a bit… out of touch with the majority of the player base.

    The game's state doesn't matter right now unless you're pushing keystones, most people are done with progress. If you released Augmentation like this at launch, and especially that video clip of amplifying Unholy DK's AotD would have been a thing at a raid launch would have been catastrophic for the game. Most people "finish" their progression in the first 8 weeks and then go on farm and play casually until the next season. The impact of 20-25k guilds stopping and saying "well, shit we need to get 5-6 Augmentation Evokers in next week" at the start of a tier would be memes on memes. .01% of players care about title, compared to about 30-40% of the playerbase (depending on how you poll the numbers) care about at least AotC.

    And as a tank, an Augmentation Evoker makes keys 2-4 levels easier depending on how high we go. If that happened at the start of the season, when doing +20's were difficult the divide on gear would be MASSIVE. When tanks and healers are the ones primarily creating the groups, we have a season where throughput from the healer matter and tank survivability is a little more difficult than last season and total DPS for the dungeon doesn't matter nearly as much then Aug becomes almost mandatory for keys for the first few weeks.

    The fact that Aug is so centralizing and polarizing with the implementation, this could have killed an entire patch if released on content release. Compare that to a .5 patch where most people are done with content, are playing something else with a few things going on in retail, and it gives Blizzard 2-3 months of live data to get them into a balanced state before the next tier is released.

  16. Random thought on Dratnos hoping for more choice nodes instead of more points: would that actually be, in a sense, wishing back a bit to the previous talent system, where instead of points you just picked your choice per row? Felt a bit like it to me.

  17. Aug just made it clear that wow needs more "support" roles and you need to shift some utility to supports away from dps, mass dispel supportive buffs and group utility should be shifted away from dps and into those support roles. A world where you bring dps for their dps and support for utility makes it much easier to form random groups, but we need more support specs and not just Aug.


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