Timelapse of Future Technology II (Sci-Fi Documentary)

This timelapse of future technology begins with 2 Starships, launched to resupply the International Space Station. But how far into the future do you want to go?

Tesla Bots will be sent to work on the Moon, and A.I. chat bots will guide people into dreams that they can control (lucid dreams). And what happens when humanity forms a deeper understanding of dark energy, worm holes, and black holes. What type of new technologies could this advanced knowledge develop? Could SpaceX launch 100 Artificial Intelligence Starships, spread across our Solar System and beyond into Interstellar space, working together to form a cosmic internet, creating the Encyclopedia of the Galaxy. Could Einstein’s equations lead to technologies in teleportation, and laboratory grown black holes.

Other topics covered in this sci-fi documentary video include: the building of super projects made possible by advancing fusion energy, the possibilities of brain chips, new age space technology and spacecraft such as a hover bike developed for the Moon in 2050, Mars colonization, and technology predictions based on black holes, biotechnology, and when will humanity become a Kardashev Type 1, and then Type 2 Civilization.


To see more of Venture City and to access the ‘The Future Archive Files’…

• Timelapse of Future Technology (Master List)
• Encyclopedia of the Future (Entries)

…visit my Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/venturecity


Created by: Jacob B
Narration by: Alexander Masters


Addition footage: SpaceX, NASA James Webb Space Telescope

—– Book recommendations from Elon Musk on artificial intelligence, future technology and innovations, and sci-fi stories (affiliate links):
• Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies https://amzn.to/3j28WkP
• Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence https://amzn.to/3790bU1
• Our Final Invention: Artificial Intelligence and the End of the Human Era https://amzn.to/351t9Ta
• The Foundation: https://amzn.to/3i753dU
• The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy: https://amzn.to/3kNFSyW


Other videos to watch:
1. The 100 Year Journey to Proxima Centauri B (Sci-Fi Documentary) https://youtu.be/r4sYJfPw0Rk
2. TIMELAPSE OF FUTURE SPACECRAFT: 2025 – 3000+ https://youtu.be/RL74Jb4OU9U
3. TIMELAPSE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (2028 – 3000+) https://youtu.be/63yr9dlI0cU


33 thoughts on “Timelapse of Future Technology II (Sci-Fi Documentary)”

  1. The grand journey into the future, but how far do you want to go?

    Some personal inspiration for making this video came from: Carl Sagan's Cosmos (Encyclopedia Galactica), the movie Contact, works by Brian Cox, and the tv shows Westworld and The Expanse.

    New Project: This is something I've wanted to start for a number of years, creating an Encyclopedia of the Future. A collection of entries, defining future technology in the areas of space habitation, space engineering, biotechnology, cyber society, A.I. robotics, regenerative medicine, and much more.

    The first volume contains 31 entries with illustrations. It is a large ongoing project, with additional volumes to be published that will complete the final Encyclopedia.

    It is available on my Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/venturecity

  2. What if black hole connects us to a multiverse and as our universe expands and would die one day, other multiverse are dieing rn so the planets we see or they get formed are through the blackhole which absorbs the waste of the multiverse it is connected to so it like an endless cycle

  3. You certainly got one thing wrong, the emergence of an aging singularity, leading to people living 160 years, is expected to occur well before the year 2100, look for David Sinclair videos and you will see what's happening right now.

  4. Beautiful dream! However your predictions remind me of a British TV programme, Tomorrow's World, which made predictions on technological developments a few decades' in the future. Unfortunately, on most things they were quite wrong. I think for long range predictions we need to clean up what we are as a species, otherwise the future will be punctuated mainly by major and minor wars and development will be better and better weapons.

  5. I’m so looking forward to all the new advances and innovations that will come into my life in the next fort6 five years. I wouldn’t missseeing it for the world. It’s all so interesting that there’s no need to remind me to stay vigilant to avoid the pi5 falls of the great new technologies and ever changing practices. I love keeping up with changes. If yo7 don’5 pay attention an$ get caught out,what kind of sleepy lazy fool are you? You deserve wha5 you get. Keeping up keeps us young, keeps us alive.

  6. Very impressive but extremely optimistic. There's no way that we'll be able to engineer weather and climate by 2038. I think that we'll achieve such control after reaching type 1 on Kardashev scale.

  7. I think that a lot of this is dead on target from a time standpoint, but I do not think that we will see the things at the end of the timeline given. Man is too industrious and too focused on short term issues to be able to achieve the "galactic artwork" that was proposed…pioneer societies (face it this is only 250 years or so into the future), no matter how much technology they can control, are usually focused on survival and growth. I just don't see the use or even availability of resources to allow frivolous activity. Oh, and because of the great filter, earth will be reduced to a backwater that is disease ridden and stunted as all the actual people who are creative, industrious, and motivated, will be out in the stars. Earth will be a big welfare state.

    I only wish that I could live long enough to be on the outbound side of it.

  8. Merry Christmas and new knowledge of dark matter may be our Christmas present
    If correct we could have temperature control of all three planets within a year.

    The data seems to support that there is more than just CO2 at play in the climate. This could easily and cheaply proven with telescopes from earth as were used to collect some of the original atmospheric tsunami on Venus data. It could also prove the existence of dark matter in the solar system and if not physicists would need to come up with a better explanation for what is happening throughout the solar system. If an annual planetary alignment can result in a 20 degree spike in temperature at the poles of our planet 2 months later, then evaporating a significant amount of dark matter near L1 should be seen in weeks. Although if you generate enough heat you would pretty much prove the concept right then and there.

    Dark matter phase transitions could be a primary climate driver. If the solar system passes through an area of higher liquid dark matter content the planets cores would all receive more heat due to increased phase transitions thus heating the earth from the inside out.

    Heating of the planet from the inside out would result in :
    Increased ground temperatures
    Increased sea temperatures
    Increased nighttime temperatures
    Increased seismic activity
    Increased earthquakes

    We are currently passing through the S1 dark Matter stream

    Dec 12 2016 Venus Mercury alignment tsunami rotation slowed

    Dec1 2018 Venus Mercury alignment tsunami rotation slowed

    June 3 18:00 2020 +0 29 North Venus Earth conjunction VENUS TSUNAMI facing the Earth day 1
    July 2020 Siberian heatwave and Antarctica temperature spike

    Jan 9 01:00 2022 +4 51 North Venus Earth conjunction VENUS TSUNAMI facing the Earth and the planets were slightly closer than the last conjunction 585 days
    March 18 2022 Concordia Station spiked 39 C degrees due to unusual air patterns near Australia
    North Pole regions hit 30C above normal

    Aug 13 11:00 2023 -7 41 south Venus Earth conjunction VENUS TSUNAMI was past the outward deflection and on its way back 1166 days also Venus was south of the orbital plane

    Oct 28 2023 I predicted a major heat release in the Arctic and Antarctic due to combined tidal affects on the dark matter sphere around the sun in combination with the movement of the barycentre of the Earths location. VENUS TSUNAMI was facing the side and the distance between the planets was further and there was no online data from Concordia.

    DATES TO WATCH for tsunami rotation ?? Pre and post rotation rates are needed
    Jan 16-25. 2024 Mercury Venus alignment
    Mar 07-20 2024 Mercury Jupiter alignment Venus Mars alignment
    Apr 11-18 2024 Mercury Earth alignment Jupiter Uranus alignment
    May 20-28 Venus Jupiter Uranus alignment Mercury Mars Saturn ? Neptune ?
    June 15-23 Mercury Venus alignment

    Venus atmospheric temperatures from 2009-2017 also were higher after conjunctions
    Venus atmospheric rotation takes 4 days – atmospheric tsunami takes on average 5 (4.9?) days to circle Venus since 1986 this could be caused by an offset dark mater sphere as a result of wobble induced by overflow of LDM every 5 days when the sphere is closest to the sun. This departing kick is what keeps the offset between Venus and its dark matter sphere which then accumulates LDM for 5 more days. The interval from the data I found varies from 4-6 days the 6 day stretch was after the 2022 conjunction which may have depleted its dark matter reserves resulting in a slower tsunami rotation. The clouds at that level take 5.7 days to circle the planet (tsunami speed = 328 kph)
    The earths core also has an 8.47 day astronomically induced wobble.(LDM sphere)
    NASA issued a climate change warning for Mars after Mariner 9 (icecaps melting)
    Neptune has been heating up since 2018

  9. Meanwhile Musk's Starlink and all the followers, dropping dozen of thousands satellites, harming next generation's Sky, astronomy and science…but don't those poor ego-driven beings, need science to boot, to afford their selfish trip ?


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