WHAT'S NEXT? Revealing my next destination, talking about navigation + Q&A !

Guys, it has been a while! Welcome to my new Live Chat!
What is my next travel destination? What happened in the last weeks?
Anything you always wanted to know about traveling, motorcycles, life on the road or my recent travel destinations? Join me for my third live update on Youtube!

Topics I will covered:

– Where am I currently?

– What will be next on the channel?

– Which bike am I riding?

– A little introduction of my way of navigation and planning trips

– And I of course will answered your questions about traveling and motorcycles that you posted on the last episode and during the live chat!

// Support my journey and help me to stay independent!
– BECOME A PATREON (and be always the first to know about my new journeys): https://www.patreon.com/got2go
– BUY ME A TANK OF FUEL: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/got2go


// My book GOT2GO about my solo motorcycle trip around the world is OUT NOW!
Order the paperback book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B095556HPG
Order the ebook for kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B092MYKGLF
Or access the book over the Amazon page of your country by searching for “Got2Go” “Lea Rieck”

//Follow me on:

#got2go #whatsnext #livechat


33 thoughts on “WHAT'S NEXT? Revealing my next destination, talking about navigation + Q&A !”

  1. Zu meinem großen Bedauern konnte ich Ihre Sendung plötzlich nicht mehr live verfolgen. Ich habe es mir jetzt im Nachhinein angesehen. Danke für die Info. Oman… hätte ich nie gedacht. Du hast immer noch die Sonne im Gesicht. 👍😉 Der Ton dieses Videos war nicht von hoher Qualität, aber er war akzeptabel. Ich freue mich auf deine Abenteuer. Grüße.

  2. This sounds awesomely adventurous!

    Im really curious now about your dads trips around Australia, twice and through the centre. Which bike did he ride for this trip? Has he still got the bike? Has he still got the routes/maps he used for the trips…too many questions🤣🤣🤣

  3. Always a bit late…and sometimes out of context.
    What do you think of these videos: "Riding on Eggshells, Nomad Sweden, Bret tkacs or Pedro Mota"!? I wish soon you have reached 100,000 subscribers.
    A toast for that.
    I hope you continue post great vids with your special detail in the comments.

  4. Lea
    Somehow my comment got deleted. 😕 I asked if you were sponsored by a motorcycle clothing company. Please let me know.
    Awesome Livestream Lady!

  5. You said you did a better filming job … It's not possible … The filming job is always well done ….
    I watch Iwona Blecharczyk. Hobo Shoestring. Maalaisjärki .Agnieszka 'Zebra' Dziadek. Life in Yakutia. Ali Leiniö……

  6. Hello Léa, I love following you on your travels and I really enjoyed reading your book. I too am going on a trip around the world in nomadic mode. I'm leaving Quebec, to travel the Americas… to start lol. Very humbly, here is the channel in French where you can follow me: Quebec Globe Trotter
    Bonjour Léa, J'adore te suivre dans tes voyages et j'ai beaucoup apprécier lire ton livre. Je pars moi aussi pour un voyage autour du monde en mode nomade. Je pars du Québec, pour parcourir les Amériques… pour commencer lol. Bien umblement, voici la chaîne en français ou vous pourrez me suivre : Quebec Globe Trotter

  7. I love your videos, they are so artistic, you have a special gift for capturing in your videos the beauty of the landscapes you go through with a magnificent photography. Also the music you choose for them are so relaxing and enjoyable. As a matter of fact, the quality of them supersedes the expectation about motorcycles subjects that I love…


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