Timcast IRL – Evidence PROVING Biden Corruption Will Get Informant KILLED Warns FBI w/Clint Russell


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40 thoughts on “Timcast IRL – Evidence PROVING Biden Corruption Will Get Informant KILLED Warns FBI w/Clint Russell”

  1. Whistle blower comes forward with info of crimes of the biden family, claims the FBI.
    The FBI claims that can't release that info or the name of the person because "someone" will have him murdered if they do.
    1) They are using it as an excuse to sweep it under the rug and not bring charges for "safety concerns".
    2) The FBI is tacitly admitting Biden and anyone else involved in this are evil people willing to commit murders.
    3) Much like the Epstein case, maybe they are prepping to sacrifice Biden but hide the crimes of everyone else involved.
    4) They are planning on killing him or letting him be killed and are priming the public to accept it.
    5) This is somehow a psyop.

    6) This is the right wing FBI's version of the left wing's political investigations. Though unlike the insane Russiagate nonsense, this seems far more plausible. So not the same as in a BS fake investigation, but the same as using their position to start fighting back.

  2. I find it humorous that some mayors and politicians outside of nyc are filing lawsuits against mayor Adams when he busses immigrants out of nyc to surrounding localities.
    Instead they should simply have the county sheriff standing at the bus door saying, "Nope."

    Simple as that. "Da bus don't stop here, the door don't open, ain't nobody dis-embarking dis bus. Move along!"

  3. Clint is the worst IRL guest. Leave it to the Libertarian to actively shill for a Democrat candidate. Have you forgotten than this is the party which continues to steer us straight into the iceberg? They complain about trans issues now, yet openly advocated for gay marriage 10 years ago. Libertarians are trojan horses into the Conservative movement.

  4. Just a comment on the WMD thing from the Iraq war. NBC stands for Nuclear, Biological, Chemical warfare and all three were defined as WMDs in Military jargon. In the Iraq war, it started with the possibility of Nuclear stuff in Iraq. When they started finding stockpiles of chemical weapons the Left re-defined the WMD as Nuclear and biological, When we found biological weapons and equipment to manufacture more, WMD was redefined again to only be Nuclear weapons. They found Nuclear weapon cases and equipment buried in yards of Nuclear Scientists of Saddam waiting for the guts to be installed. Not good enough. When the was was started, they took months to build up the war machine to attack Saddam. During that period there were multiple convoys of trucks photographed by satellite and escorted by Russian troops transferring "something" from Iraq to Syria. They never identified the "stuff" that was transferred, but based on Syria suddenly having stockpiles of chemical weapons to use aqainst the Kurds, it can be inferred that at least chemical weapons were transferred. Stockpiles of uranium and other equipment could have been tranferred to Syria and subsequently to Russia during this process since Russian troops were escorting it all. The intel is out there but it will probably never be released. I am just saying that whole "Where were the WMDs?" mantra has always been a little convenient and suspicious to me. The US Troops found WMDs but they refused to recognize or agree with the true definition.

  5. i 100% believe aliens are out there but i dont think we have ever had contact with them
    but in an infinitely expanding universe not believing theres other life out there i think makes you idiotic

  6. If aliens exist [which is more likely than not], they more than likely would look like we do. Whichever way you believe life started on earth, and how humans came to be here would support the idea that they would look primarily the same as we do.

  7. Interesting that this is being pushed after his fall at the graduation. He doesn't want to leave, but they want him gone….plus they would get to claim the first woman president. Oh, goody, goody.

  8. 1:12:05 – Brimelow – 'The left feels required to show support.' good observation. Hmm think back to your student days when the instructor was explaining some esoteric point, look around most of the students are nodding affirmative trying to indicate that they understand. You might even find yourself doing the same.

  9. Sock Hat Guy and Scooby Pals with guest(s) Clint Russell ( host of Liberty Lockdown ) 5Jun23
    Munchausen syndrome (also known as factitious disorder imposed on self) is a mental health disorder where you falsify, exaggerate, or induce physical, emotional or cognitive disorders.
    Nice relaxed talk

    0:30 – News Precis
    5:15 – Anna Luna Paulina says FBI concerned whistle blower will be killed
    9:00 – how many stories will the government reveal to divert attention from Biden
    12:10 – Conspiracy Theory
    18:00 – RFK breathing life into the zombie Democrat Party
    21:30 – “Whistleblower” says US government has extra-terrestrial/unknown origins vehicle
    38:42 – Navy removes Pride month posts amid right-wing uproar
    43:00 – the take over of culture and economy by those in control of the left.
    47:00 – accumulating sexual deviancy into a political movement
    51:45 – Grooming – Pool explains
    55:04 – summary
    55:30 – the public school system is not meant to raise your children
    56:10 – Modelling, behavior shaping & grooming
    59:15 – strangers called teachers raising our children
    1:01:04 – NYC mayor Adams says the city will give people & churches money to house immigrants.
    1:06:00 – Why have social media lifted the ban on election denying? They plan to deny Trump’s win!
    AI imaging in upcoming accusations.
    1:09:20 – The left, despite knowing nothing about Ukraine supports the war.
    1:12:05 – Brimelow – 'The left feels required to show support.' good observation. Hmm think back to your student days when the instructor was explaining some esoteric point, look around most of the students are nodding affirmative trying to indicate that they understand. You might even find yourself doing the same.
    1:21:30 – woke invasion of companies begin implementing woke policies and conservatives notice.
    1:34:00 – Super Chats

  10. The fact that you guys think any story involving Biden is more important the possible evidence proving that we could potentially leave this planet, populate the stars, and save our species from stagnation just proves that we are doomed as humans.

  11. What a lot of these court cases about families suing companies and schools show me is that you will certainly win if you sue. So we need many, many more lawsuits against this ideology to finally squash it.

  12. “The democrats are so much better at going door to door, I never get a republican at my door” that’s because republicans are at work all day and choose to spend their free time with their family

  13. Unless you want to be in academia, or specific field requiring college degree, go into trades. Check this out: a 2 year apprenticeship program through an Ironworker union is $800 for the whole program, and you are making $22-25/hour while studying. By the time you become an ironworker, you are making $80k-$100k/year. No debt, your skill is in high demand, you are not only able to provide for yourself, but you can buy a home, and raise a family.

  14. Im actually tral good with pride month being erased from all calendars for eternity. Ive been sick of it for years, glad people are finally getting to the same point im at.

  15. I've never heard Bob Lazar claim definitively that he saw a little green man. He's been clear that he's not sure what he saw. He just described it the best he could.
    It is interesting when you couple that story with the story Annie Jacobsen wrote about the government doing experiments on children at that same time. Makes you wonder even more about what was really going on.


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