Thursday weather forecast! 12/8/22 Frigid vs Warm. Ice, snow, & rain. Major storm next week..

0:00 / Intro
2:09 / Alerts & Severe outbreak possible
8:23 / Southeast
9:28 / Northeast
9:48 / South Central
10:08 / North Central
12:28 / Temperatures

Hey! thanks for watching! My name is Mitch and I live in Central South Carolina. I started off mainly talking about weather specifically for South Carolina, but have started to expand to the Eastern US. I am not a Meteorologist, I am just a guy that is passionate about weather, and that loves sharing what I know with others! I also love chasing extreme weather. I have a playlist on my channel with numerous chase videos.

I am very active on Twitter & Facebook:

Facebook link:

Twitter link: (very active)

As always, thank you for the support! Consider subscribing, liking, & turning on the notification bell to stay up to date! You all have helped me live out my dream in a way, so i am very grateful!

If you want to support what I do, I have linked my PayPal account below! Any donations are appreciated & will go towards making my presentation better for the future!

Also have my cash app linked to my youtube cover page.

Also, if you would like to mail anything (suggestions, prayer request, donations, or just have general questions), you can email it to the address below! Just let me know ahead of time so I know to go check!

PO BOX 1343
Lexington, SC 29071

P.S. videos will get better in time as far as audio & quality. All this is a work in progress & for now, just a part time thing I do. Thanks for understanding!


23 thoughts on “Thursday weather forecast! 12/8/22 Frigid vs Warm. Ice, snow, & rain. Major storm next week..”

  1. Good morning!! Awwwwe.. bless your heart and your family…. being sick.. I can hear it in your voice ☹️ I pray for you all to be healed completely and quickly amen. Tyty for posting so early.. really do appreciate it. I used to be a night owl now I'm an early bird and have a new found respect for the πŸŒ„ morning.. God bless us all.. through day and night.. have a wonderful day.

  2. Flu season. Hope everyone good health for this year and next.
    Take a drop of food grade iodine in distill water or line the nose with it on a Q tip…helps heal colds faster.
    Greatful for the rain in KY… I'm digging holes for trees while the ground is soft and thankful that the Lord provides the shade while I save on rhe water bll.
    Have a bless weather day πŸ’ž

  3. We are having a very warm morning (for Dec) here in Raleigh! I'll be praying for those who will be under the threat of severe weather coming up! Thank you for giving the heads-up, Mitch; your concern is very apparent. Your posts are an established part of my daily routine as a result of how much you care about your fellow man and your love of Jesus!

  4. Something I appreciate so much about your channel vs. other weather channels is that you show so much warm empathy and keep in mind that people are affected by these events. Yes, other channels might have cute mottos or might make a mention of it, but it's… different. It feels like it's part of the gimmick, if that makes sense? But main point is, I really like the balance here and prefer this as my weather source for this reason.

    I hope even as you grow and get to branch out that you will keep this atmosphere (pun intended).

    For now, prayers for you and your family's health, and prayers for all of us about to be affected by the severe weather. It's so gross and muggy and hot here in east TX, I'm really not surprised it's building up to something. It's not December, it's spring. Springember? :p Bleh.

  5. @Mitch Thank you for the update. You are really committed, to be doing these videos even while under the weather! Thank God that you and your family are doing better! We are praying for all of you to feel even better! I know your little girls don't want to be sick for Christmas! I was wondering if they will still be able to sing in the Christmas program! We are praying for everyone to be completely healed!


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