Three people shot dead in Braamfontein

Three people have been killed in a shooting in Braamfontein. Police are investigating the motive for the shooting and a murder and attempted murder case has been opened. No arrests have been made so far. #DStv403


41 thoughts on “Three people shot dead in Braamfontein”

  1. The de-colonisation process of Mzansi is nearly complete.
    It took Homo Sapiens Africanus Parasiticus & ANC exactly 30years 2 dismantle a working state. It is must be a new record for this group of under achievers.

  2. In S.A to get job is so difficult but to do crime is soo simple. Every one from outside S.A if he wants to benefit or to live better life he just come to South Africa to do Crime ๐ŸคžIn South Africa to kill someone is like you kill cochrotch.Please SOUTH AFRICAN CITIZENS LET'S PRAY FOR OUR LAND๐Ÿ™

  3. Use the Gaza Palistine tax monies to make our streets safe. Instead our government interfere in things that is none of our business. Taxes should assist us citizens to be safe instead our own Gaza is not safe. Fight for your citizens first before go clean house somewhere else. Now students lives are lost because our taxes was mismanaged.

  4. People were killed in the township during apartheid. We use to wake up in the morning and find dead body in the street. By then I was 13.No one was arrested. They didn't care when we kill each other. So don't talk of something you didn't experience.

  5. Where is Minister of Visiting Crime Scenes? The one who never receives intelligence in time to prevent a crime but only visits with a 100-member entourage when it's too late.

  6. Guys how are people bashing the field reporter for not communicating effectively, wheb she actually did. That is wild guys. She gave us an update and interviewed two people. What more do people want? Its wild how people will focus on things that are not important. Stop bashing eachother as black people.

  7. You know when you drive your dad car without permission and he's not complaining but u see him sad in that situation u wi keep doing it because u know there's no complaints. If u have a strong straight law people will fear, and such cruel happening things will be rates by decreasing. "one example" HIV was a real crack disease but today you see after people fight for there's a changes. And people of SA if u want this horror way to stop in your Country I'm telling you Vote for EFF. Message From Manoo Boux ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฆ.

  8. Apartheid was a very difficult and unfair situation for everyone in South Africa, not just black people, but while we apparently live in a free democracy, it is also proving that apartheid was instituted for a very good reason, can people in South Africa not live and work and be honest, why do we have so many criminals in this country, what is the problem, why was South Africa a safer country during apartheid but yet explained by the ANC to be the most brutal time in our history of the country, how do they explain that more black people are being murdered in our country in a year than during any ten year span during apartheid and apartheid was only 48 years, add the murders of blacks during the ANC rule and thatโ€™s when we will see the real oppression of black people, this has to change, the ANC goes to The Hague for Palestine but does nothing about itโ€™s own terrorism in the country they are governing

  9. Braamforntain was a nice place to work and live in the early 1993. I remember there were very good hotels around, SAA head Quaters was also there .
    What a shame to see this happening.
    Kushubile ngempela eMzansi.
    Even Police can't to thier jobs properly they are also afraid of their lives .

  10. Four years I stayed in Braam (2014-2017), at the residence where the bus is packed, and never experienced such a thing. Braam was so safe I'd leave my residence at 2am to go buy stuff at the petrol station store nearby. This is scary.

  11. There will be no safe place left in South Africa under the current justice system. In my community we used to rely on the police and we continued to suffer as crime kept on increasing. We then resorted to mob justice, and it is now a safe place again. No one is being raped or murdered anymore. This shows us that certain human rights should be forfeited and contravened upon by the justice system in order to control crime. If not so then lets embrace criminals.


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