Three Idiots VS The FINAL DBZ Raid Boss

For years you’ve seen us, the three idiots, battle countless raid bosses, but what about when WE become the raid boss? This is the final boss battle.


47 thoughts on “Three Idiots VS The FINAL DBZ Raid Boss”

  1. Besides the game heavily favoring the Raider like every other Asymmetrical multiplayer game I only have a couple of complaints first off the Raiders lock on is trash you should not have to keep people in your FOV to keep a lock on it's a terrible system especially when you're fighting multiple people there should be a hardcore lock on that doesn't go away until you either block the line of sight or get out of the heartbeat radius which is about 100 meters my second complaint is POWER LEVELS NEED TO ACTUALLY MATTER I've had a level 1 and 2 Raider take half my transformation bar away with one hit while I was level 3 which is whack especially when there are moves like Full Power Energy Blast Volley which hits you several times and is impossible to dodge if I am a higher level than the Raider he shouldn't be doing insane damage to me. Other than that I don't see much wrong the game just needs more maps, Heroes to transform into, and more skills to keep it fresh but it's fun right now.

    Edit: After a few more days I've noticed a few other things that need tweaking first the spawns both of players and power keys I've seen games where half the power keys were found right away sometimes in their own zone both of those need to change survivors should rarely spawn near keys if ever and they should almost never be in their designated zone the second issue is Raider spawns this is less of a problem but again I've had multiple games where the Raider flew right to where I was within a minute before I can even get to play the game this should not happen the survivors should all spawn on one half of the map while the Raider spawns on the other side this would give survivors at least a small chance to get equipment or boost their power level before the Raider finds them. The final problem has to do with the Escape Time machines I've seen quite a few higher level raiders who knew where the spawn points are, blow two or three of them up leaving only one which they proceed to camp and make it impossible to escape the Raider can only blow up three zones therefore there should always be at least two escape time machines to prevent Raiders from getting automatic kills at the end.

  2. If they bring proxy (which they hopefully will) I hope it’s like a toggle on/off thing, because the no proxy thing is the main reason I bought this game.
    Personally I’m just not comfortable talking with strangers online

  3. I feel like if people escape and when/if the raider kills the last person they should be able to have like 1 extra minute to gather the dragon balls near by and summon shennron to wish the victims back into the area again. Makes the raider have to value the dragon balls a little more and make the victims a bit more nervous about about if they really are free. I feel like the dbz villians love chaos amd vengence so much that they would use the dragon balls to teleport them back to them just to make sure they are the ones to fight and finish them

  4. i swear the more and more i play/watch this game the more i learn about it at 2:09 never knew raiders could do that just thought they were invulnerable tho kinda hard to see it when you're trying to kill survivors but that might just be me lmao


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