Thomas Seymour | Deceased Git Series

Thomas Seymour git, huge git, or misunderstood?


18 thoughts on “Thomas Seymour | Deceased Git Series”

  1. Missed your live but catching up the next day. 😞 Love watching whenever. Cross stitching along with my head phones so the hubby won't give me the stare that says that the he** are you listening to. 😁

  2. I always thought that Thomas Seymour believed he was equal to the Tudors because his sister was the Queen and when his nephew became King he still believed he had as much royal blood if not more than everyone else. His arrogance and his greed for power had no bounds and he was above everyone else until he went too far, losing everything including his head. But that is just my opinion.

  3. Menstruation doesn’t equal fertility. Menstruation simply indicates a surge of hormones has begun. It’s not the last stage of puberty. The female body must also develop to a size and strength that can safely carry and birth a child. This is why – as proven in Medical studies – female fertility is actually low before the 20s. Fertility levels do not begin to increase until the late teens as a girl moves into her 20s. This is why girls younger than 20 have exponentially higher risk of complications for both mother and child including death. I’m sure women knew through observation that having children so young was not ideal but there was much pressure to make that match and they would do it even if it meant pushing age boundaries. We know these men were having sex with these girls because there was always an expectation for the girl to get pregnant right away. The assumption was menstruation = adulthood when it’s not. When a girl married off at 13 but does not pregnant until age 17, 18, 19 or sometimes even later, it’s because she’s not far enough along in her reproductive development. However, we also know that sx abuse by an adult male causes abnormal puberty in girls which can result in extremely young pregnancies. Henry VII mother is believed to have been 13 when he was born. Other records indicate she may have actually been 15. She was also notably small. This is a recipe for an obstructed pregnancy which is what we see occurring in the millions in places where there are child marriages. Henry’s mother did not have any other children despite multiple marriages. She was also involved in making changes to Royal birthing protocols. It’s safe to assume her young age and size did a number on her body. I would also argue that this possibly supports her being 15 rather than 13 when he was born. I can’t imagine an abnormally small girl surviving a birth at age 13. At 15 she would be more likely to have the fertility to get pregnant and size to survive but she’d still be too small to have a unproblematic labour.

  4. When it comes to the Widows question and bribing the "watch"….I have a point to add on the board of excise had an extensive group of "coastwatchers" and "waterguard" at ports investigating smugglers; so you have a lot of people to pay off.


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